?? you mean just breath out of it and switch to the main tank half way through?? dont most people discourage using pony's to extend bottom time
Heck, "Most people" discourage solo diving
You need to evaluate how and why you need a 2nd tank, whether is a "pony", "stage", "independant double", or "manifolded double" configuration. Identify why you need the redundant or extra gas first. That will help you decide what configuration is best for
I have an Al30 I sling on occasion for:
1. Deep dives: Redundant airsource. It is not factored into my "dive plan".
2. Long dives: As a dive-extender. It
is factored into my dive plan. It becomes a "poor man's" independant doubles rig
When I talk about "extending dives", I'm VERY careful with how I plan to use the Al30... it is used for "bonus" time in the shallows, near the exit, on a dive with lots of neat things to see, when I want to stay down beyond the 40 min - 1 hour bottom time I typically have with my Al80....
But.... On the vast majority of my solo dives, in the very benign environment I dive in, at depths <50 feet, the surface is my redundancy.
Best wishes.