Lane's Cove Harrasment 6-17

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It is posted "NO PARKING, VIOLATORS WILL BE TOWED" I should have known better.
I was one of the 8 that got a ticket.
Pat B

Yea Pat, I know, those signs were there and they've been there forever. But they are posted at the end of the long driveway leading off to the summer homes above the cove. We've all assumed they were for that driveway/road. Like I said, We've been going there for years and never had this trouble. Thing is, I'm a site coordinater for the GAFC comming up July 15th and that's the site I picked to coordinate. Now I gotta re-think the whole thing. I don't want to feel responsable for anyone getting towed of ticketed.

Going through coolers?? What happened to probable cause? This is not EP this is local cops they have to go by the rules the EP do not. Parking is regulated by the town don't even think about fighting them on any parking rule they want to enforce. However touching your stuff is not even close to legal that is what your complaint should be. God forbid anyone with a tiny bit of authority scratch my cooler.
At the risk of being ostacised by all.

Lets get a bit of perspective here. The police are on the payrole of the town. The town payrole is payed for by the taxpayers of said town. The police are there to 'protect and defend' the taxpayers of that town. While I agree thea parking hardly constitutes a major crime, it is something that residents (taxpayers) get a major hair across their collective arses about. The taxpayers of that town have to put up with clogged streets and difficulty in finding parking spaces in front of their own homes because of all of the harmless tourist who flock to their town. The cops are hearing complaints from residents of the town that they can't 'xxx' because of all the tourons jamming up the streets. Then they hear complaints form the tourons when they get ticketed. Who's complaints do you think they are going to act on and listen to?

I'm not here to kiss the police's arse, but rather to give a bit of perspective, from one who has lived in a tourist based seaside economy for twentyfive years. Tourists are a double edged sword. Love 'em! Hate 'em! After the 3rd or 4th time you couldn't get in your driveway because some Okie from Finokie parked his rentacar like a bonehead, you might call the cops too.
My suggestion is to make darn good and sure that you are parked in a legal spot. We all know that there just aren't a lot of them up there and the ones athat are there aren't convienient to the good sites. They do allow anyone to park for free in the HS parking lot. It's a major pain in the arse and it's inconvienient as hellk, but buy a $50 beater bike to get you back and forth. Drop off the stuff and go park and ride the bike back. It's cheaper than getting towed.

You don't need to be an EPO to enforce the hunting/fishing laws of the commonwealth. A Gloucester officer can't go to Rockport and enforce those laws, but he can sure do it in his town. EPOs and State Police can enforce those laws everywhere and anywhere in the state. Don't forget the harbor masters(who aren't members of the police department at all). As an example, think of all the poaching that would occur if the locals couldn't enforce the hunting laws in their own town. They'd have to watch or wait for an EPO to arrive while people go deer jacking off season? Doesn't make sense. So, bottom line is if an officer sees you diving he can check to see if you've been lobstering and if so he check your catch/permit. A lobster license is a privilege, not a right.

Reply to Paulthenurse,

I agree that the local cops have a tough job, after all it is their local community that pays them their xalaries. However yo and I live ion a area that is called a tourist area. Many of the people in my town complain about the traffic that comes and goes through my town. It is this traffic though that keeps the local businesse specially the tourist businessess in business. So by complaining about tourist traffic well to me that is kinda unfounded.

If I didn't want to be bothered by tourist traffic then I wouldn't have moved to Salisbury. I do love the town and its small town politics and the area so I put up with the trafic on weekends. So I think those that live in the other areas of the N.shore should do the same, or they can move to another town that isn't bothered by tourist traffic.

By the way we divers are tax payers also or at least most of us are. So I'm ging to write to my local rep and ask him if there is anything that can be done about being harrassed by local cops and red necks when we dive. Remeber these state reps are paid by us tax payers as well.
Maybe the local dive shop (CAD) should invest in a small bus to shuttle divers and gear in and out of dive sites. :lol:
Reply to Paulthenurse,
By the way we divers are tax payers also or at least most of us are. So I'm ging to write to my local rep and ask him if there is anything that can be done about being harrassed by local cops and red necks when we dive. Remeber these state reps are paid by us tax payers as well.
Key part of that arguement is that you and I don't pay taxes in G/R. The cops there are clearly responding to pressure put on them by the LOCAL taxpayers. And the only state rep who would have ANY sort of influence on the local G/R cops is the LOCAL state rep, who is under the same sort of local pressure.

I doubt that you would agree with the arguement from tourons, "Hey, if you don't like the traffic that I and all my touron friends bring to your town, you should move>' I bet you would suggest he shove his car somewhere uncomfortable.
The point in this case is that we who have been diving at Lane's Cove for years have always been under the impression that the parling lot there was part of a PUBLIC boat landing and parking was allowed. The two no parking signs that have been there all along are placed in such a way that one would take them to mean no parking on the small road that they were posted in front of. I agree that the town has the right to restrict parking in any area that they want to post - To a point. But in this case it seemed that they raided the site for the sole purpose of harasment. I don't realy know the true status of that parking area, but I'm going to try and find out.

I agree that the town cops have the obligation to protect and serve. I also think that they could do there job without being jerks.

had no problems on june 1st at lanesville... it was a thursday however!!!!

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