At the risk of being ostacised by all.
Lets get a bit of perspective here. The police are on the payrole of the town. The town payrole is payed for by the taxpayers of said town. The police are there to 'protect and defend' the taxpayers of that town. While I agree thea parking hardly constitutes a major crime, it is something that residents (taxpayers) get a major hair across their collective arses about. The taxpayers of that town have to put up with clogged streets and difficulty in finding parking spaces in front of their own homes because of all of the harmless tourist who flock to their town. The cops are hearing complaints from residents of the town that they can't 'xxx' because of all the tourons jamming up the streets. Then they hear complaints form the tourons when they get ticketed. Who's complaints do you think they are going to act on and listen to?
I'm not here to kiss the police's arse, but rather to give a bit of perspective, from one who has lived in a tourist based seaside economy for twentyfive years. Tourists are a double edged sword. Love 'em! Hate 'em! After the 3rd or 4th time you couldn't get in your driveway because some Okie from Finokie parked his rentacar like a bonehead, you might call the cops too.
My suggestion is to make darn good and sure that you are parked in a legal spot. We all know that there just aren't a lot of them up there and the ones athat are there aren't convienient to the good sites. They do allow anyone to park for free in the HS parking lot. It's a major pain in the arse and it's inconvienient as hellk, but buy a $50 beater bike to get you back and forth. Drop off the stuff and go park and ride the bike back. It's cheaper than getting towed.