Xavier was a good diving buddy of mine and I will miss him. I have talked with one of the members familiar with the incident, and this is the information that was stated to me. As stated previously, this was not a training dive, and all of the divers were trained and experienced and knew what they were doing. The dive was a multi depth dive with multiple divers with Xavier and his buddy being the deepest (350fsw). I have not been privy to the Coronors report, however as an ER nurse and familiar with medical issues (and the description of his behaivior and reaction underwater) it appears that Xavier may have had a cardiac event. It was noticed that he appeared to have been using more air than what was normal for the descent. Within 10 min of the dive at 350fsw he experienced an out of air situation. He joined up with his buddy and they ascended to his 1st deco stop. Here is where I believe a medical event decided his fate. If he had had a cardiac event he would have become hypoxic, confused and disoriented. By the way, he did not have "spare air" he had the appropriate deco gasses for the dive. However at the 1st deco stop at around 200fsw, he would not have been able to use them as they would have been hyperoxic at that depth. At 200fsw the preasure difference from 350fsw would have allowed him to use his remaining back gas unavailable to him at depth. Sadly however, if he had experienced a cardiac event, and if he had become hypoxic, confused and disoriented, that may have led him to make the fatal judgement call to continue to acsend to the surface, instead of staying with his buddy for the deep stop. My heart goes out to his diving buddy, as I can only immaging the helpless feeling he had in not being able to stop Xavier's acsent to the surface, knowing that it would cost him his life if he were to do so. Sadly that error cost him his life. It was noted that he was still alive and conscious for a moment at the surface before he became unconscious.
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