It cant be easy being a manufacturer on Scubaboard. You are susceptible to derogatory remarks, criticism and public scrutiny. Although it is sometimes warranted, it doesn't mean it's easy to accept.
The manufacturers on Scubaboard have displayed the following characteristics, and in my opinion, make them an asset to the Scubaboard community:
1) They are not afraid of competition
2) They publicly stand behind their products by addressing any questions or concerns
3) They value the comments of those in the diving community
Franky, I don't think it's an internet thing. If Aqualung or any other manufacturer doesn't want their products sold on the internet, then that's fine. I think they should have the right to conduct business anyway they see fit. However, they need to realize that the success of their business will depend heavily on these types of decisions.
For me, its a Scubaboard thing. Chris and Dougs (Oceanic/Aeris) representation on this board was the deciding factor for me in buying their equipment. They have displayed a genuine concern for their customers and have proven their dedication to excellence through their comments and actions via Scubaboard.
This is exactly why I have just purchased 2 full sets of Aeris gear (in case you are was from scubatoys!). Aeris has great gear!...and great service to go with it!
I am sure other divers are just as happy with their gear from manufacturers not represented on Scubaboard, but I truly believe that my gear came with something extra peace of mind knowing that my manufacturer is just one post away in case I need them!
I hope one day all dive gear manufacturers participate and contribute to the Scubaboard community. I think it would be beneficial for all parties involved. Until then, thanks to all the manufacturers who make Scubaboard a powerful resource for divers!
The manufacturers on Scubaboard have displayed the following characteristics, and in my opinion, make them an asset to the Scubaboard community:
1) They are not afraid of competition
2) They publicly stand behind their products by addressing any questions or concerns
3) They value the comments of those in the diving community
Franky, I don't think it's an internet thing. If Aqualung or any other manufacturer doesn't want their products sold on the internet, then that's fine. I think they should have the right to conduct business anyway they see fit. However, they need to realize that the success of their business will depend heavily on these types of decisions.
For me, its a Scubaboard thing. Chris and Dougs (Oceanic/Aeris) representation on this board was the deciding factor for me in buying their equipment. They have displayed a genuine concern for their customers and have proven their dedication to excellence through their comments and actions via Scubaboard.
This is exactly why I have just purchased 2 full sets of Aeris gear (in case you are was from scubatoys!). Aeris has great gear!...and great service to go with it!
I am sure other divers are just as happy with their gear from manufacturers not represented on Scubaboard, but I truly believe that my gear came with something extra peace of mind knowing that my manufacturer is just one post away in case I need them!
I hope one day all dive gear manufacturers participate and contribute to the Scubaboard community. I think it would be beneficial for all parties involved. Until then, thanks to all the manufacturers who make Scubaboard a powerful resource for divers!
