It sounds like Puffer Fish is familiar with La Jolla Shores diving.La Jolla, could involve a lot of gear toting, rough seas and a long swim... it could just as easily be a very easy dive. If the former, then going back with the person calling the dive means a lot of work, and most likely not diving. An easy choice if this is your dive buddy, but not so easy if it is an insta-buddy you just met. Would be willing to bet if it was an insta-buddy, and they were joining a group, that 9 out of 10 times, the others would let the person go. Perhaps not the right thing to do, but human nature.

To add a little more info regarding this dive site, it's the place where most San Diego classes do check-out dives. Underwater topography is gently sloping from the shore to about 45 fsw, where there is a 5-10 foot wall. On most days, very benign shore entry/exit.
It would be interesting to hear about the victim's overall dive experience, general health/medical conditions, knowledge of the dive site, familiarity with diving temperate water, experience shore diving, and number of dives done with the buddy team. It would also be useful to hear about what happened from the buddies' perspective.
FWIW, I interpret "leaky mask" as code for "I'm not comfortable with this dive" (for whatever reason). It sounds like an innocuous enough complaint, but I really pay attention when an inexperienced or out-of-practice diver says this. Combined with a comment about feeling sick, that person gets my full attention.
At this particular dive site...
If I were buddied up with an inexperienced diver who complained about "not feeling well" and wanted to head back to shore, I'd certainly accompany him/her on the return trip.
If one of my regular buddies thumbed a La Jolla Shores dive due to a leaky mask because he forgot to shave, then I think I'd be OK with letting him exit on his own. If he was "not feeling well," then I'd certainly make sure that at least one person exited with him. But that's just me...