Kudos to Sirius Radio

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Rest in Peace
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200 - 499
Because without some nice tunes from Classic Vinyl to distract me I would spend more time cussing this site going down at the moment I hit the post button. Just as I've worked myself up into a good righteous indignation and compose a missive - BOOM - nothing. Pretty soon all arguments will cease and we'll all be agreeing with each other having had ample time to think about it. :lol:
ha! ....I have felt that coming on too.

Nothing like forced reflection...I used to think Pete was "doing it to us" just when things were getting frisky.
Because without some nice tunes from Classic Vinyl to distract me I would spend more time cussing this site going down at the moment I hit the post button. Just as I've worked myself up into a good righteous indignation and compose a missive - BOOM - nothing. Pretty soon all arguments will cease and we'll all be agreeing with each other having had ample time to think about it. :lol:

I thought it was my system for a while. What is with this Board being so dogged lately?
ha! ....I have felt that coming on too.

Nothing like forced reflection...I used to think Pete was "doing it to us" just when things were getting frisky.

Forced reflection is reaction. :lol:
must type quickly...

I had this really witty reply and ironicaly when I went to post it......
Hokay, youse guys, lighten up! No more getting so Sirius on ScubaBoard, or ELSE! :D

Doesn't it feel good to come onto a STABLE board?
The board HAS been stable. Kudos to Netdoc! :D

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