Keys diving injury

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Tourist paralyzed after diving off boat
Posted on Sat, Aug. 11, 2007Digg it reprint or license print email
A 36-year-old tourist was partially paralyzed after diving from a boat off Key Largo Saturday night.

''When she came up she could not move from the waist below,'' said a dispatcher for the Upper Keys Trauma Office. ``She's in stable but serious condition. I can tell you that sometimes these things are temporary.''

The unidentified woman was airlifted to Jackson Memorial Hospital's Ryder Trauma Center.

I wish her well thats really sad. Has anybody heard anymore?
This is not looking good this year I heard something went wrong on the Spiegal yesterday but I have not been able to confirm as of what yet:shakehead: I heard it from one of our own here on SB, They were out diving yesterday.
OH yeah there was another one in the paper today of the one Aug 1st that one was taken to Jackson Memorial. I didn't read the whole story just got the the part that they said they would be ok and stopped reading. What was not cool is that all it said was that the diver was on a commercial boat diving, I don't like it when the they won't post who the OP was....
I know why not say the name?
Naming the operation only allows people to jump on forums like this one and sling mud at the operator over what the charter may have done wrong or probably did wrong.

This poor lady that got paralyzed probably did nothing wrong or even if she did, we won't really find out from a newspaper article. But if the charter name was mentioned, I'll bet someone would be here claiming the operator caused or contributed to the accident. Diving isn't the safest sport/hobby and accidents will happen and they more often than not will have nothing to do with the charter operator. Anyone running a charter boat will eventually have a fatality occur if they stay in business long enough, it's the nature of the beast.

ps. Was there a reason for posting this thread in the trips and marketplace section??

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

Moved to Accidents and Incidents
What's the chance that this isn't even a SCUBA Diving related accident? In the absence of other information, this sounds to me more like someone diving of a boat head-first to swim around on the surface -- not a geared-up diver doing a giant stride off a platform. There's absolutely nothing mentioned in the original article that indicates that there was a dive operator, or dive site involved.

The comments on the article make it even more likely that the was no SCUBA involved:

She wasn't a "flatlander", she is a Florida native who lives about 3 hours north of Miami. She didn't dive into the water, the boat stopped suddenly and she was thrown into the water. She is incredibly serious injuries and I pretty dishearted to hear almost all these comments, from Buttmaster on down. No compassion, but an I told you so attitude. Poor reflection on all of us Floridians and the scorn that seems to go with enjoying a tourist economy.
Naming the operation only allows people to jump on forums like this one and sling mud at the operator over what the charter may have done wrong or probably did wrong.
Yeah, unless the Op has a lot of fans on SB, then it's all the diver's fault, regardless. Been there.

It would be beneficial to know what caused the problem, altho that knowledge is not likely to happen. Truly, it is very seldom that the Op has anything to do with accidents.
All I am saying is if they would name to dive OP's that would at least give us an idea of who is rated better than others. Like if you hear of a dive OP that keeps having problems, you would not keep sending people to them. That's all I am trying to say. True I have my favorites and I don't have a problem saying who they are but on the other hand if I know a dive OP sucks I'm sure not going to send someone I know or who rents from the there. I want everyone who come to the Keys to have a good time.

I don't want to bash any dive OP that's not why I like to see names I want to know who's got the better rating. You see I keep a record of these things just for me so if someone says I want to go with..... I know if they have had problems in the past and what they where.
Point of info for ALL.
These "diving accidents" were in fact not diving accidents, rather people not physically fit engaging in "strenous activity".

All were coronary problems caused by over exertion by out of shape people.

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