Keys diving injury

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Point of info for ALL.
These "diving accidents" were in fact not diving accidents, rather people not physically fit engaging in "strenous activity".

All were coronary problems caused by over exertion by out of shape people.

Is that what happen? You heard it was heart related? How did you hear this?
Umm, I am confused. Was the woman even diving (as in utilizing SCUBA)? Is this a head/neck injury caused by a fall or collision?

I also am interested to know which OP the diver was using. I am down in Key Largo occassionally and would like to keep track of which operators are involved in accidents. Most of the time it is the divers fault, sometimes it is the operator. I want to make sure that the 2 operators I use down there continue with their excellent safety record.
All I am saying is if they would name to dive OP's that would at least give us an idea of who is rated better than others. Like if you hear of a dive OP that keeps having problems, you would not keep sending people to them. That's all I am trying to say. True I have my favorites and I don't have a problem saying who they are but on the other hand if I know a dive OP sucks I'm sure not going to send someone I know or who rents from the there. I want everyone who come to the Keys to have a good time.

I don't want to bash any dive OP that's not why I like to see names I want to know who's got the better rating. You see I keep a record of these things just for me so if someone says I want to go with..... I know if they have had problems in the past and what they where.

Is this not something you recently wrote regarding Ocean Divers related to a lady who panicked on the tagline and drowned??

Ocean Divers Suck and I don't mean "AIR"

As unfortunate as this accident was, Ocean Divers has an outstanding safety record yet you were quick to bash them for something only the diver could have had control over.
What I learned diving in the Keys this past weekend:

1) When you're entering the water, always, and especially with choppy seas, make sure your BCD has a good amount of air in it.

2) If swells are 2-3 ft and you have a tagline you are using to get to the descent line, it's a good idea to use your regulator vs. your snorkel to get over there.

3) If you decide to use your snorkel to conserve air, check the location of your reg as you swim in case you need to switch quickly to it. It's possible the reg might get swept back behind you and not be readily accessible.

3) If you are someone's buddy and you reach the descent line first, look back and make sure your buddy, who is still on the tagline, is okay before going down.

4) Dive operations should include a stethoscope and hand-pumped oxygen bag with their first aid equipment.


5) MOST IMPORTANTLY, DON'T PANIC when something goes wrong, try to remain calm. Staying calm increases the chance you will think rationally, assess the situation clearly, and make the right decision.
can sombody clarify . was it a diving accident or a diver involved in an "accident" ie a fall .
Slinging mud and names at operators is not to be advised as most operators have an excelent safty standard . these are peoples livelyhoods and sould not be treated as common as a throw away statement .
more often than not its the divers own fault for an accident and not the operator .
you will never find out the name of the opperation unless you know someone on the boat when it hapened.

its like asking your dive shop "how many of the people you trained have got bent,died, or seriously injured." you will probalay never find out or get a true anwser. it is info that is just not shared.

p.s. sorry about the spelling

a couple of these post are correct in saying you cant bash the opperator untill you can find out the whole story to this inncident. i will be the first to tell you i dont want to dive with a shady opper., but this should be found out by talking with dive buddies face to face based on their experience, and not spread all over the web. just think if it was your shop or boat, and this was your first incident, would you want to get bashed on this site before the whole story was said. i dont think so.
There were two incidents last Saturday in Key Largo, apparently one with a male and one with a female.

I was on the boat when the male diver's incident took place. The incident happened at the surface, while the diver was traversing the granny line towards the mooring ball in a swift current. He was using his snorkel and took in a large amount of water. He was unable to grab his regulator and may have had an underinflated bcd. He struggled, paniced, and eventually went under. He was quickly pulled up and dragged onto the transom of our boat, where he was observed to be not breathing and with no detectable pulse. CPR was adminstered and the victim began to breath about 7 minutes following the start of the incident. O2 was administered and he was eventually transfered to a coast guard boat and taken to the hospital. It is my understanding that he was released from the hospital that night or perhaps the following day.

Please don't ask me for the name of the operator. In my opinion, it was diver error that resulted in the incident taking place, while at the same time, the operator along with other's on the boat saved this guy's life.

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