key largo dive sites

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I'm not sure if this is the appropriate forum to be posting this in, but I am curious to learn more about a couple of dive sites in key largo. I have been to Pennkamp and some other reefs in the southern keys, but am not too familiar with the reefs off key largo. We are diving on Friday at two sites, Snapper Ledge, and Pillar Coral.

I am curious if anyone has ever been to either of these sites, as I havent found much by searching this site, aside from people saying that they have dove there. What should be expected? Particularly, does anyone know how far off shore these sites are? What should be expected as far as things to see, depth, and location, are they within a sanctuary?

Thanks so much for any info!!
I was just down there, in May, and dived both those sites. What I remember (I'm not home, right now, to double-check my log) is:

Snapper Ledge:
Literally walls of snappers and grunts. I think we may have seen eagle rays there, also, but I'll check and get back to you.

Pillar Coral:
Another shallow site that contains several stands of brilliant pillar corals (hence the name).

I'll double-check my log and give you more particulars. I do know that both were very nice sites with lot's of healthy sealife.
wow that was quick.. thanks so much. I'm really curious how far offshore the sites were, I know being in the keys means nothing too far offshore, but kinda wondering if we should prepare with some drammamine first. Of course I'm also interested in what you saw and what the site was like. I'm very excited.. thanks
The sites weren't very far offshore.

We were in a little six pack boat, so I definitely got the seasick meds on board the night before, then in the a.m., before leaving for the docks. We've experienced some pretty good chop, there, before, so I'd much rather take some preventative measures ahead of time.

When I get home, I'll wrangle up the ol' dive log and give you a better idea of marine life, depth, etc. I do know that both sites were very shallow, so you should have some decent bottom times.
Great sites with a lot of life on each.

Snapper ledge is actually is about 3.5 nm from shore and is located between Tavernier and Key Largo. It contains some nice coral formations and one small swim through. It's more noted for the number of fish on the site. You have to move the millions of fish out of the way just to see the reef. There is also a huge brain coral that sits just off a nice ledge where there could be nurse sharks or moray ell.

Pilliar Coral site is about 1/2 nm north of Snapper Ledge. This site is a spur and grove type dive. This means the site has ridges of coral and valleys of sand which run east/west. There is also a healthy stand of pillar coral in the area. Pillar Coral is the only known coral that feeds during the day. Also lots of fish on this site.

Hope this helps.

Good Diving,
Prepare to see gazillions of grunts at Snapper Ledge. They are way cool. Last time I was there I also saw a huge school of Atlantic Spadefish.
Reed, I haven't forgotten you, just can't seem to locate my dive log. Argh!
I just did both sites 10 days ago during the "Invade the Keys" trip. Both were very enjoyable. Lots of fish species, including some nurse sharks and small rays, and lots of lobsters. Depths were 25 - 35, so lots of bottom time to just relax and watch the various coral and fish. The ancient brain coral is amazing. Water temp was 84, and vis was 35 - 50 on that particular day. Unless you get a forecast of seas outside the reef being 1 - 2 feet, I would do the bonine the night before, and morning of. When you get a chance, fill in your profile so we can learn more about you and your experience level, and try to make our responses more helpful.
I found my dive log!

Snapper Ledge:
24' max. depth
thousands upon thousands of snappers and grunts
nurse shark
angels, tangs, trunkfish, lobsters
numerous trumpetfish

Pillar Coral:
24' max. depth
nurse shark
file fish, numerous trumpets, angels, trunkfish, Atlantic spadefish
arrow crabs, lobsters
golden-tailed eel
variety of grouper
cleaning stations
huge brain coral
magnificent stands of pillar coral (of course)

Hope this helps and have a great trip!
just wanted to say thanks to everyone for all the posts... leaving this afternoon to drive to key largo from jacksonville!

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