I remember reading threads about underwater hair management and several people saying they put conditioner in their hair before going under. Please don't do this!
A couple of days ago, I was adjusting gear in the pool. After awhile, I noticed a strange taste in my mouth. I had to take the reg out and spit. This happened a couple of times before I realized I was tasting stuff I wear on my hair. Okay. I admit. I had LOTS of stuff in my hair that day, but my point is it didn't taste good and I really don't think fish and other creatures should have to deal with it floating in their water.
Please reconsider if you make conditioner part of your dive prep.
A couple of days ago, I was adjusting gear in the pool. After awhile, I noticed a strange taste in my mouth. I had to take the reg out and spit. This happened a couple of times before I realized I was tasting stuff I wear on my hair. Okay. I admit. I had LOTS of stuff in my hair that day, but my point is it didn't taste good and I really don't think fish and other creatures should have to deal with it floating in their water.
Please reconsider if you make conditioner part of your dive prep.