Indeed, I can imagine every dive OP would do the same by paying.. with money you can have a DM pushing you underwater because you're too lazy to use your fins.
I mean that Dressel, for what I have seen there, are "oriented" versus this kind of approach as "standard", probably because of the majority of their customers are another race of divers. What amazed me is that you have always a person with you, every instant, even when you're mounting your gear, you don't even to look for people or asking where to go of what to do (that is common if you're visiting a new place), even if you have to go to the bathroom! You're assisted like a baby from when you exit from the door of your hotel room to the water and until you finished your dive.
Don't get me wrong.. this is NOT the type of accommodation I normally look for, it was a coincidence, I normally dive in a completely different condition, and I like the "basics" of being a diver without all the servant around me, but for one time I enjoyed the experience, and as you said, it's certain not a prerogative of Dressel Divers.
PS: I taken advantage of your whole Cozumel restaurant list.. and I enjoyed it alot! Thank you.