Henryville:This is a sincere question. In the above scenario, aren't you wanting to plan to get you and your buddy back from your furthest point on just your gas (planning for a potential failure of the buddy's equipment) and so you would be diving thirds minus rock bottom for a turn point?
I don't often shore dive and I am honestly trying to remember but I thought that if you had to return to the entrance point you needed 2/3 minus rock bottom. Maybe because you are shore diving versus boat diving you are viewing the rock bottom and a surface swim as the contingency exit strategy?
It all prersonal preference if it's not an overhead dive. For example, if you would really like to return to the entry point (on a shore dive) but the only consequnece of not making it back would be a long surface, I would opt not to run 1/3 (I would do 1/2s or even just straight RB if I really want be in the water for a long time) so that I could rack up some bottom time. But, if it was a shore dive where not making it back meant coming up in a shipping lane in fog, I'd opt to run 1/3s (and probably bring the doubles along).