Since White Slave got mentioned, thought I'd add my single dive 'mixed experience' with it. One Bonaire trip a buddy & I tried it. We went in at the slave huts; I don't recall looking for where the yellow rock was. There were 2 'parts' of this dive, and they were difference experiences.
First, he turned left & headed south. The reef drop off was much deeper than usual for the west coast of Bonaire. So, it was there, and could be dove, but a big pudgy guy like me on an 80 cf tank, I don't like diving really deep across the major portion of the dive (in other words, running up a deep average depth; max. depth doesn't mean so much), unless there's a good reason to.
So, we turned back & headed north later in the dive.
The northward portion of our dive featured nice reef growth much shallower.
This is just based of my recollection, and it wasn't this year or last I dove it, so maybe someone else has a much different perspective.
But if I dove White Slave again, I'd probably head north from the slave huts. It was a different dive.