Just back from Sharm....

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My wife & I just got back today from Sharm as well. We had a very good time (got a great last minute deal from Italy) although the weather cooled a bit. The first few days we were in the low 80's, then a cool snap where we had a day in the upper 60's/low 70's, and finally rebounded yesterday to the upper 70's. Needless to say, it was warmer in the water. We also had three very gusty days in a row which spoiled the vis a bit at Yolanda, but we had a great dive anyway. Unfortunately, we didn't get any sharks but we had some turtles, lots of cool tropicals and a big napoleonfish at the end of my last dive.

Big props to Mania for your tips list. It helped us avoid major stomach problems (although not all) and helped us not get ripped off by the market & taxi sharks. There was that big peace convention in Sharm during our stay. They closed off Namma Bay for 3 days (not to mention all dive boats for all dive sites except Ras Mohammed). So there was a fiarly big detour to get near the area. Some taxi drivers were exploiting the situation charging some members of our resort 10 euro (80 LE) to get from Namma Bay to the resort (Hilton Waterfalls in Ras Umm Sid). We got it for 4 euro (32 LE) which is higher than normal but fair under the circumstances.

The only real negative aspect of our trip was the resort's dive center. We had booked our trip last minute so I hadn't really lined up a firm dive intinerary with an operator. I saw the dive center and even though they were a bit pricey, I decided to do an afternoon dive since the waterfalls resort is right on paradise reef and I had heard good things. I went down on Saturday afternoon to book a dive. I had all my own gear (except my bcd which is still being serviced). The dive went okay, the reef was very nice. After all of their charges, tax, etc. I ended up paying 50 euro for 1 shore dive. Pretty damn steep.

After using another operator (Albatros... very good and reasonable) referred by our tour group to go out to Tiran (the last boat to go out before they closed Tiran for the conference), I met another diver at our resort whom with I decided to dive the resort reef on Tuesday. She was an AOW, but hadn't dived in a while so she had done a refresher course. She dived in the morning using their gear. She wanted to use their gear again and asked her divemaster if she could use it for another dive that day (since gear was rented out by the day). The divemaster was cool and said "no problem". I notified the dive shop's office that I wanted to dive and get a tank and jacket which would cost 14 euro... better than 50 i thought. Everything was set and I told them I would be back in an hour.

After lunch, I go back to the room to grab my gear and head down to the shop. When I get to the shop, I find my buddy arguing with the shop assistant. She was told that we both had to pay 16 euros each to access the reef from the resort in addition to the tanks. Plus the assistant (not the divemaster) was insisting that my buddy pay again for her gear (25 or 30 euros, i don't remember) even though she had done the course and her gear was still sorted from the morning's dive.

I was livid on the inside but did my best to contain myself and work something out. Granted, my buddy had done a course with them and the equipment was included with the course only, but it was still out and wet plus the another shop worker had given the okay. I decided to tackle the most offensive charge first... the 16 euro access fee. Everything else was by their price sheet so even as expensive as they were trying to make it for us, they could justify it at least by saying the prices were posted. The access fee however, was not posted or printed anywhere. In fact, as a guest of the resort, I can access the water for snokelling as much as I want for free. I asked the assistant if their shop was run by the Hilton or if they were contracted. They were contractors. "So, you are charging us 16 euros to access a beach not owned by you, but is in fact, owned by the resort that we are paying guests of. As a paying guest, I can access the water at no charge."

Nothing. "I'm sorry that is the price and I'm not the boss so I can't do anything about it."

I then ask, "Let me speak with your boss."

Again stonewalled. "I won't be able to reach her; she's never available." (I have a hard time believing that a shop owner doesn't have a cell phone or a way of being contacted if there is a problem.)

I tell her that that is totally inexcusable. I didn't raise my voice or even waste my time arguing with her past that. I went straight to the hotel manager and calmly made my case. The manager of the resort agreed with my position and was unaware that the dive shop was charging guests to access when unaccompanied by a guide. I also informed her of the inflexibility of the shop and how expensive they were not to mention they told my friend that she could use the gear for another dive but then changed their minds.

Anyway, karma has a way of coming around. I thought about whether to post the name of the dive center... it's not too hard to figure out since it's the one based at the waterfalls resort. Just remember, when you want to Go Dive, be sure to read the fine print and get all of the details. For me, the shop was all about the dollar and not offering a quality diving experience.

I don't want to be all negative though. Albatros Dive Center was very good as an alternative. Not only did they comp me on the bcd, but they only charged 50 euro for a two tank trip to Tiran and a little more for Ras Mohammed.

It's a shame though at how many divers don't respect the reefs there. Broken coral all over the place. On our dive at Yolanda, there was a lady from our group who didn't recognize the increased current when we rounded the far side of the reef and she was bouncing off of the wall taking a lot of corals and other aquatic life with her. I noticed she was behind us after we got in the current, I looked back and saw a ton of bubbles so I knew something was up. When I saw her on the wall, I turned and ducked behind an outcropping to get out of the stronger current and got back to her to pull her away without further damage. However, if one piece is damaged, it's too much.

Overall though, my wife and I had a great time... with the exception of my wife's bad stomach (she drank a fountain coke one night then also forgot to use the bottled water for brushing her teeth). I was very impressed with the colors and varities of fish life. If I only had an underwater camera... christmas is coming! :)
Steve thanks a lot for appreciation. The second chapter of tips is coming soon - restaurants, clubs, diving centres - Sharm and Dahab and partly Hurghada - which I know less. And maybe some more usufull phrases in Arabic.
BTW - pity you didn't contacted me before going to Sharm - I knew about the cenference and that most of the dive sites would be closed. Some of my friends here changed their plans when I told them about it and went to Sharm a week earlier.
And maybe you will also tell me what I should include in the forthcoming more tips for those going to Egypt.
ohh I too have read "the last dive"… brilliant book. Maybe wasn't the best timing tho, as my boyfriend at the time was off in Mexico learning to cave dive!!!!

As for your tale from Sharm, great story. I'm sorry to hear about your less than good experiences, and hope the good ones made up for them. I am thinking about going back either for Christmas or just after new year, sadly work has got me a bit land-locked at the moment :(
Mania, actually I was able to do all of the things I wanted to do. We were the last boat out to Tiran so we did Jackson & Gordon... plus our resort had a great reef. I was able to skin dive daily there for free. Not to mention that the aquatic life was really great there. My last day I had very close encounters with an eagle ray and sea turtle which were actually better than when I was diving. Add to that, the conference kept the dive boats away from our reefs so there was no overcrowding which I would rate as a big positive! :)

I think though next time I would like to maybe do a liveaboard or make private arrangements. I wonder if it would be possible to arrange straight with the boats getting around the dive centers altogether? To just pay for tanks and not be stuck with a group where you're not sure if your dives will get cut short or be overcharged... maybe take your own group of friends (divers).
db... not to worry. there was no way i would let that ruin my holiday. i lost 1 or 2 dives... that's a drag but not the end of the world. just makes me smarter the next time around hopefully! :)
i almost forgot. we did manage to get down to namma bay while the conference was going on. the resort where the conference was being held was completely surrounded by the egyptian security forces. they formed a human perimeter spaced a meter apart. you could walk by though. the pain was trying to get a bus or taxi. we had to walk for ages to get to them. i was keeping a look out for colin powell's car as i wanted to hitchhike, hold up my passport and say "give me a ride to my resort since you guys screwed up the traffic!" :)

i noticed security in general was very tight... even before and after the conference. maybe that happened after what happened in taba?

also Mania, I would add to your list of tips these suggestions:
- bring food and drink to the airport when you are departing. the shops at Sharm's airport are a ripoff. €2.50 for a coffee! Plus in case your flight is delayed, you won't be stuck.
- check with your tour operator (if on a package) for recommended dive operators. in our case, we got a 10% discount by booking through them. many times they'll have special deals. plus we didn't pay any 10% with the dive operator (Albatros... I would recommend them. I found them to be reasonable, responsible and flexible.)

Before your recent trip when was the last time you dived? I'm off to Sharm on Sunday and as I haven't dived since Oct'07 I am worried about having to do a refresher course where the likes of Emporer Divers require you to do at a cost of 65 Euros. If there is somewhere happy to take you as long as you have the right qualifications then I would much rather do that.
Hi there...

Wow how things have changed since I last posted a message in this thread (and forum, for that matter). I am now an instructor and funnily enough have been working in Sharm el Sheikh since 2005 for one of the larger dive centres here.

In reply to your comments about the "likes of Emperor" insisting on a scuba review. I would say that Emperor is one of the five major (better) dive centres in Sharm (no not the one I work for, although that too is one of the big five), all of whom will work to the same kind of safety guidelines. These guidelines are put up by the CDWS (chamber of diving and water sports) in Sharm, with the intention of ensuring that dive centres use safe diving practises and good conservation techniques. Any decent dive centre will advise a scuba review or some kind of refresher after a 2 year break.

If you are happy being allowed to dive regardless of safety and recent experience, then I suggest going to one of the smaller, unapproved dive centres who will possibly take you in the water regardless, breaking many of the other safety rules and guidelines along the way.

I would say if you have a good few hundred dives under your belt (and can prove it) you might be able to get away with a check dive (which is a mini 15min extra dive in the day during which you refresh the four or five most important skills). However surely you would rather fully refresh your skills for yourself, so that you personally feel comfortable and confident in the water?

Two years is enough time for things to get rusty... again previous experience does come into this. I had a divemaster needing a check dive at one point, and just as we were about to descend, she asked what she should do if she panicked about taking her mask off! I notice that with less than 24 dives, Emperor were quite right in requiring you to take a scuba review before diving.

Also the price of a scuba review often equates to a similar price as a day of diving, as courses include your kit hire. In our dive centre it is 75 euros, which is actually only ten euros more than you would pay if you were to do an extra day's diving at the end of the week and pay for full kit hire. You get a dive in confined water where you refresh your skills, and then you get another full dive in open water in which you can put it all into practice. You still get to see plenty and you are not going to find yourself at the back of a group of 8 divers potentially coming unstuck.

Anyway, regardless of where you go, I hope you have a fun and safe time. Enjoy your trip.

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