Clive - The home page still needs some work - the photo's on there are still far to large which is why it's taking an age to load - I presume you're not on broadband?
Reye - I sold the housing and C5050, as well as my old topside rig (an Oly E20 and lenses) to pay for the S2. housing and lenses).
Dee - Thanks....the shrimp and crab were taken in the UK last year though. I like the clam one too though. I think my fav is the soft coral with the sunburst.
Mandrake - once I've unpacked my gear, I'll try the battery pack from my other 125 on it and see what happens - thanks for the tip!
Marl - You'll love it!!!!!! I found the 12-24 was great to use. The only prob I had, was that a number of pics were ruined by a kind of reflection on the inside of the dome, caused i believe, from a reflection off the "plate" that the dome is glued into - thew plate is a semi gloss finish. I think aquatica should have finished it off in a matt finish. The only thing I really did miss, was being able to swap lenses UW. There were a number of dives where I had my WA on, only to come across a great macro subject or vise versa.
Oh, I saw my first Nudi there too....a little black fella. Luckily I had my 60mm macro on at the time. I'll add the picture later on once I've had a good sort out of them.
Reye - I sold the housing and C5050, as well as my old topside rig (an Oly E20 and lenses) to pay for the S2. housing and lenses).
Dee - Thanks....the shrimp and crab were taken in the UK last year though. I like the clam one too though. I think my fav is the soft coral with the sunburst.
Mandrake - once I've unpacked my gear, I'll try the battery pack from my other 125 on it and see what happens - thanks for the tip!
Marl - You'll love it!!!!!! I found the 12-24 was great to use. The only prob I had, was that a number of pics were ruined by a kind of reflection on the inside of the dome, caused i believe, from a reflection off the "plate" that the dome is glued into - thew plate is a semi gloss finish. I think aquatica should have finished it off in a matt finish. The only thing I really did miss, was being able to swap lenses UW. There were a number of dives where I had my WA on, only to come across a great macro subject or vise versa.
Oh, I saw my first Nudi there too....a little black fella. Luckily I had my 60mm macro on at the time. I'll add the picture later on once I've had a good sort out of them.