few years back the company im employed to. had a survey expodision to deep water cay, bahamas, this lil bone fish resort ona very small island near know where. there was no fresh water no
cold budweiser(only kalik) no ac or tv, let me tell you it was like gilligans island, actully it was very nice to be on an island not destroyed by metropolis, we would work in the field traversing control all day and establishing a baseline around the lil island for future developments, well a couple weeks went bye and the locals from a distand island would come ashore and aid us in our work, bringing water food and KALIK beer, did i say kalik beer?( they would give us a case of this beer for a dozen advil, they didnt have the that sort of thing on their island, these where the nicest folks ive ever met. any how the lil dock behind our lil cabin of (3 ) on the entire island was a dock off in to deep water for boats to land, we would fish every night and and hook up on some of the biggest shark ive ever seen, half that we would hook would swim to guam and brake the line but we got a few in and of course the locals said what we catch and dont eat they would keep and feed their families wich work real nice, we caught grouper, mutton snapper, trigger, (sargent's) stole our bait, but one night ( imagine a light under the dock wich eluminated all the 20' water around for say 50' out past the dock then, all the sudden the water got dark with a school of hundreds of hammer heads they hung around all night, ive never seen any thing like that in my life, hundresdes of them, seeing a shark on tv is ok but seeing a 6 or 7 foot shark in person only feet away is the biggest thrill
oops got off track. do all hammer heads travel in schools? and are they agressive?