With all due respect, Ken, this forum isn't just a place for the official conclusions to be posted. I don't see any reason why people with first-hand information should necessarily only communicate it to you or "through the proper channels", privacy and liability issues notwithstanding. That said, I wholeheartedly agree that uninformed speculation is unhelpful at best and harmful at worst.
I acutally agree with what you said and just didn't phrase mine well enough when I wrote my comment (at midnight after a long day).
I didn't mean at all to suggest that there shouldn't be discussion of this. There should be. Looking at cases like these and analzying would've/should've/could've can be quite beneficial for our teaching and supervisory skills (for those of us who do that) and learning about what happened is valuable to all divers of all skill levels.
There's nothing wrong with speclating about what might have gone wrong when that specualtion is clearly labelled as such and based on whatever the known facts are. I think when I used the term "speculate" in my post I probably should have instead used "hearsay" or "guess".
If you saw something, that's first-hand knowledge. If you heard soemthing, that's hearsay. I grow uncomfortable when I read that "I heard from someone who talked to somneone who heard from someone else . . ." That's usually how misinformation gets spread and that doesn't do anyone any good.
And perhaps I'm hyper-sensitive to this because with the fatality last month in the Park (official cause of death still undetermined - I'm turning in my report tomorrow and have ruled out equipment problems) there was a lot of misinformation going around and some of it was downright nasty.
What got me going here (and I don't think there was anything malicious) was the post from ReggieFerrari where he says "I asked a dive shop who said they spoke to the sheriff and that his regulator said he was at 6ft for 13 min." That information is wrong. It's not wrong by much (it seems - and I have yet to see the computer - that the max depth was 9 feet) but it's not the right number and it comes by way of triple hearsay. Besides, we don't know yet if the computer was working and recording properly (which is something we'll test).
I guess my overall message is to err/discuss on the side of caution, state clearly things you saw as opposed to what you heard (which Reggie certainly did), and steer clear of making guesses that sound like conclusions.
And just so everyone knows, one of things we've been grappling with for a while is how to better inform the diving community of the results of these cases. The Coroner's reports are public information which means you can request them. Chamber info is considered private because it's like being treated at a hospital. So we're still working on doing a better job in this area while still respecting privacy.
That all being said, since it seems that many of you were there for this one, there is something you can help us with.
Apparently, we received the tank with the valve turned OFF. Apparently, there's still air in the hoses. (I haven't seen the tank yet but this is what I've been told.) We also believe there's no way he cold have been underwater for 13 minutes with the valve off. The assumption would be that someone turned the valve off after he was brought out of the water (for whatever reason).
So the question for any of you that were there is: Did anyone see anyone else (or did one of you) handle the gear and perhaps turn the air off? If you know anything, please e-mail me directly at
Just so you know, our preferred protocol is that nothing gets touched/changed. If you do have to alter the equioment in any way (and sometimes you may need to to remove the computer or turn off a free-flowing reg), simply make notes of what you did and why, and give us some contact info for you so we can follow-up. One thing you can always do is make a written note of the air pressure reading, with a time and your name, and make sure that goes into the Sheriff's report &/or with the gear.
Sorry to ramble so long but just wanted to clear the air on these various matters.