June 2007, Divephotofest + DOR

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anyone know how much extra it is for nitrox? Just threw that out there because it's 12am,a nd I'm bored... and I'm going to the doc tomorrow and he will pretty much decide whether or not I go.

trying to think positive..
Not sure Zee. I should know about the transportation by tomorrow morning. What's the medical for?
no need to be bitter, eggie. :crazy3:
bitter? no, it just means i have to move in with you and Van...

2 for 1.. :eyebrow:
Diver Dennis:
Not sure Zee. I should know about the transportation by tomorrow morning. What's the medical for?

I've somehow managed to hurt my back - been in a bit of pain for about a week now - I figured it would get better on it's own with rest, however, not so. Gonna see if the Doc can suggest anything, and make sure there is nothing seriously wrong. It's not bad enough to stop me being able to dive, but it's enough to make it a little harder, and I want to make sure I wont make it any worse.

Anyway, seeing the Doc this afternoon...

Sweet deal MV! Sure you can handle it?
he can't even handle one filipina, what makes you think he can handle two :crazy3:
he can't even handle one filipina, what makes you think he can handle two :crazy3:
trust me, after two days locked in a room with Iris i would be glad to get on a plane and leave the country...


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