Just got back from a 6-dive weekend in Catalina...Here's the quick rundown:
Saturday June 19, off the King Neptune
Sea Fan Grotto - very cool; our first time there. Saw sea fans.
And about a bazillion gobies. Little chilly below 30-40 feet, but comfortable above the thermocline. Vis about 20 feet.
Italian Gardens - nasty thermocline at 25 feet. Vis was about 30 feet when we got there, but a bunch of divers kicking up sand soon reduced it to about 15 murky feet. We did spot two giant black sea bass cruising by, but they didn't hang around!
Garibaldi Reef - kind of a fun dive; my first time east of Avalon. Lots of kelp to swim through, and we saw a big bat ray swimming around.
Casino Point
Night dive - had a GREAT time! Spotted two octopi; one let us follow it around for a while, and actually got some decent pictures. Dozens of lobsters: we startled one so that it backed into another one, which got spooked and squirted off!
Sunday dives - pretty nice. Vis between 15-40 feet. Found the glassbottom boat, which has gotten really overgrown with kelp... we went right by it twice! Saw another big bat ray, and a HUGE school of zebra perch went by. Lots of aggressive garibaldi defending their nests; it always makes me laugh seeing them zoom up to our masks (and laughing makes my mask flood, which is slightly less fun).
I also got to meet Dr Bill in person at the air fill station - Hi Bill!
Great weekend, all told!
Pics are here:
Saturday June 19, off the King Neptune
Sea Fan Grotto - very cool; our first time there. Saw sea fans.

Italian Gardens - nasty thermocline at 25 feet. Vis was about 30 feet when we got there, but a bunch of divers kicking up sand soon reduced it to about 15 murky feet. We did spot two giant black sea bass cruising by, but they didn't hang around!
Garibaldi Reef - kind of a fun dive; my first time east of Avalon. Lots of kelp to swim through, and we saw a big bat ray swimming around.
Casino Point
Night dive - had a GREAT time! Spotted two octopi; one let us follow it around for a while, and actually got some decent pictures. Dozens of lobsters: we startled one so that it backed into another one, which got spooked and squirted off!
Sunday dives - pretty nice. Vis between 15-40 feet. Found the glassbottom boat, which has gotten really overgrown with kelp... we went right by it twice! Saw another big bat ray, and a HUGE school of zebra perch went by. Lots of aggressive garibaldi defending their nests; it always makes me laugh seeing them zoom up to our masks (and laughing makes my mask flood, which is slightly less fun).
I also got to meet Dr Bill in person at the air fill station - Hi Bill!
Great weekend, all told!
Pics are here: