Journal for the week of June 4th to June 11th 2004

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Reaction score
Torrance, CA
# of dives
1000 - 2499
Didn't see one, so I'll start a new one...

Saturdays are my free day, and I went on a birthday dive trip.. Indian food and birthday cake....

Sundays are hard, day after the free day, non structured day.... Sort of nibble all day long, and no exercise :-(

Monday - back on the wagon
Breakfast - cup non fat yogurt, cereal bar (small)
snack - apple
lunch - caesar salad, no cheese or croutons, carrots
dinner - cheeseburger patty, green beans
dessert- lo carb bar and small glass of nonfat milk.

Exercise - plan is to swim 2000, short weight workout

I had the rest of my rescue class this past weekend. OMG!! What a grueling weekend. Counted as 5 dives and I'm worn out!! But do you think it will help me lose weight!!! Mr Murphy says no. I am not renewing my WW membership, but I am still following the diet as it's healthy. Went to Dr last week for a blood test (still have the bruise to prove it), but haven't heard anything. Guess that means I'm 'normal'. Best wishes for everyone else!! Someone can lose weight for me, since I can't do it myself!

If i can bother to get back into the gym i would work out, havent seen weights in just a little over a week - will do soon hopefully. This past week was spent hiking (40 miles, some of that actually climbing too), kayaking (6 miles - not too tough) and a bit of biking - but i ate a lot more too. I do feel a little trimmer though, so lets see how the weigh in tomorrow works out! Just have to remember to hit those weights some time.
So sorry. (((spank me)))) I forgot our Journal!

I'll fix this thread title with the date so eveyone can find it.
Thanks Chris!!
I'm not expecting much success, if any, for this week. Most of last week we ate out almost every night. that in itself isn't that bad except I had the old "I've been doing so good" mindset. We had fried shrimp amd scallops one night, BBQ a couple nights WITH loaded baked potatos and I pigged out on spagetti..totally ignored portion control and got miserable! No one's fault but my own.

On top of that my DR is playing with my diutetic meds and I'm retaining fluids again. So tomorrow will tell.....
I'm with ya! I had my favorite 'white pizza' last night for dinner, and finished the left overs for dinner tonight. White pizza is ricotta, and spinach with sun dried tomatoes. Delicious.

I had no exercise other then a little swimming. It's not going to be good for me either..but we can get back at it together this week..probably along with a few other backsliders like ourselves. :winky:
I had a pretty good weekend all in all. We did not eat out but grilled at home. That was good, I was able to keep things in control. I was getting a bit discouraged though at the slow process this is for losing, but Cameron helped me feel alot better on the support side. My Doctor had made the comment to me that I am maintaing my lean body weight well and that I should increase my exercise to stoke my fat burning metabolism. That sort of made me feel like I really was not exercising enough, but I do get in as much as I can.
Some times it is less than other weeks, but life can make it very difficult at times.

Yesterday I rejoined the water areobics class at the Y. A year ago I went for about 2 mos during the winter to the indoor classes and really enjoyed them. They have just started a new session that is in the outdoor pool, so I thought I would give it a try. M-W-F at 6pm. It is a 45min. power workout, we wear webfinger gloves to work with more water resistance and I am sure it is a terrific work out. Also thought it would help with my diving endurance. Maybe my finning muscles will be better off.

Anyway, we will see, now that I have a job that I can control my hours better I can get there on time. Hopefully, I won't miss too many of them either. Besides, I love a couple of things about it l) it is water related and 2) I am doing it outside in the sun even if it is late afternoon/early evening. It feels great to me.

Gotta go, Natasha is someone going to handle the WI for Tuesday? I did go to WW yesterday and I am down 1lb. I think it is more like .5 more though since I was down 0.5 last Thurs. at the Doctors. But, it could be 1 pound. Since that is the official wt. I have been using I am counting the 1 lb.

Have a "skinny day" !
I'll start a Tuesday WI in now. Congrats on your new grandbaby and your -1 lbs!
So I can still satisfy my sweet tooth, I make copious amounts of fat free jello, and pour it into single serving-size bowls before putting in the fridge to set. 0 fat, 0 carbs, 0 sugar, so no worries. My breakfast usually consists of a small bowl of bran cereal, and a small plain skim yoghurt. Before I started to change my eating habits, it used to be a large bowl of corn flakes. I get home by 3:00, where I will usually have a number of slices of lunch meat, like turkey or chicken, and a few slices of cheese. Protein. To drink, I have a glass of V-8 (Spicy is my favourite. I am not too energetic to cook up extravagant recipes in the evening, so I go for basics, like chicken drumsticks (no skin), and a few veggies. Tonight I made a chickpea curry. Lentils are another favourite of mine. My snacks (1 morning, 1 afternoon, 1 evening) are usually one rice cake, or a small apple, or the above-mentioned fat-free jello... Combined with going to the gym, outside walks..., it seems to be doing the trick. Portion control is another trick I'm working hard at. That's especially hard with food that just tastes sooooooooooooooo good; the thought of doing so is no easy at first (or second, or third...), but it's slowly coming around. Lord give me strength when I go to Sri Lanka to visit my family this summer, a country famous for its veg cuisine, but also for its rice, rice, rice... Oh how I love curries! Hot ones, not weak ones. Here's keeping my fingers crossed. Anyway, I'd best sign off now, lest I ramble on. One more day till the weekend (In Saudi, it's Thurs/Fri.). Thurs will be spent assisting my friend Bryan with a family all doing OW. Ciao all. Glad I signed on here; I finally feel I can overcome my lethargy and lack of willpower.
Thanks, Natasha!

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