I am trying to understand the deeper meaning of your tortured smileys. The message seems a bit ambiguous. Perhaps I am reading too far into it?
The Smileys are keeping their Mouth shut
Interesting interpretation of what I consider to be the most supportive/informative experience I’ve ever had in the scuba world. Each day that passes, truly, I am more amazed at why people have trouble with the "dark side"

I just don't get it?? Maybe I'm missing something

Maybe they are missing something?

Really I don't get it.
This has been my DIR experience of the last few days
Now I am looking for a primary light, partners, starting to learn the drysuit, and just bought tanks
Just today a friendly DIR tech II woman diver offered to dive with me and help me out with my dry suit
a DIR Canadian diver I have never met offered to ship me a $650 light he just bought - if I like it - keep it at his cost, if not ship it on (he will cover shipping).
I asked if anyone knew of a good deal on a light & received about 5 suggestions from DIR divers within an hour including personal PM's with names to drop at stores to get better prices.
Another DIR diver spent an hour with me at the dive shop today reviewing my new tanks/DIN set up, helping me with decisions, making sure I got great discounts & chatting about dry gloves.
Another DIR diver will join us this weekend & offer drysuit tips,
two more DIR divers freely offered their primary lights for loan so I could check them out. (One I've never met before)
Last night I received three lengthy emails from DIR divers within two hours of my inquiry educating me about lights/DIN.
Last weekend I had a fantastic DIR Tech II partner who took me out and showed me all the local nudi's, checked my gear & luckily caught a bubble stream on my inflator hose before it became a problem and, taught me a thing or two about the drysuit. What a solid partner & diver. We laughed alot.
So far, so good - actually I am totally impressed with the divers & how supportive they are!! But I tend to be the adventurous type that wanders off the beaten path into little indiginous villages in Laos to drink the local moonshine & sample their delicacy of stir-fried crickets.

McDonalds is kinda boring to me & so a little koolaid sampling isn't scary - its kinda fun to take a walk into that which others fear/dread or judge & check it out. Actually, I really wonder if all those who oppose it are right? If it packs the punch those divers promise?! Will the boogie man come grab me after the honeymoon? Maybe it will be like swallowing the colored pills in Alice in wonderland, oh what a ride! I say bring it on!
I'll definitely let you know if they start beating me into submission, or if I need a rescue from some weird dark cult or if any other weird mind bending/behavior modifying thing starts to happen

! So far my experience has been beyond great! And soon I get to learn to dive like some really cool underwater ninja

! And all the cool stuff that I get to do underwater will hopefully start to expand! Those scooters look totally fun!
But on a basic level, its really nice to dive with these folks - nobody’s getting lost in the kelp and there is always a partner paying attention.