It's like comparing apples to horses! The Jets are hands down better in every way.
Although they both have "ports" thats where the comparison stops. The jets are larger, and not as stiff as the rockets, and if you hold them up by the straps, you will find that you can see daylight through the ports in the rockets. The ports in the Jets have a deep passage in them to channel water through, and direct it back over the blade in only one direction. And effectively "closing" it off in the other. When a proper frog kick is done using them, you can actually feel the acceleration off the tip of the fin when it snaps back. Over the years, I have swapped out a LOT of gear for newer, and better. But the Jets stay right where they are! For me, nothing new has even come close to them in performance. Really quite amazing when you consider the 1965 birth date.