Very nice, thanks for posting the photos. One thing, it looks like the plaque was originally placed in an upright position, but I believe now it is more of 45-60 degree angle tilted now. Perhaps the sand underneath it shifted causing it to slope back.
I often use it as a navigation point when diving in the park.
Thanks Blue Steal. I have added one more picture to the set. One of me taking the picture of the plaque (photo by friend Matt Berry) showing the original position. If I remember right the organizers placed it in an upright position propped with surrounding available rocks as support (you can see some evidence in my pictures). I'm sure over time these have shifted and the weight of it all has gravity win to a more "relaxed" position. It may have been better to have placed the plaque facing up with the granite flat on its back. Looks like time and shifting sands will correct it.
I'm actually very happy to hear it is still there and divers seeing it. Couple of years from its placement in 1997, there were rumors going around that it had been knocked over and the plaque stolen. Glad to see that the rumors were false. A lot of dedicated planning, work and personal money/donations went into making this memorial happen. My vote is to let it be and maybe a soft scrub over the brass from a diver's glove each time one passes by in memory to a great man.
Yes, I know I committed blasphemy by using CCR on the event to memorize the man that advanced on-demand Open Circuit SCUBA Diving, but I was able to stay down lot longer and take pictures once everybody had left and visibility increased. Besides, I was trained with those "old skool" double-hose regulators in my original certification class back in the 60's. and I liked them a lot (when they worked).

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