Jacket BC or Wing BC

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'Stab' Jacket = 'Stabilization' Jacket. This term used to be synonymous for BCDs... certainly it was in the UK.

It's all about personal preference. Try both and see which you like.

Personal preference is important, but is often dictated by experience,... or lack of.

Jacket BCDs remain the most popular option for recreational divers - but that is mostly due to lack of insight into alternatives and/or incorrect presumptions made about BP&Ws etc.

Trying both is the obvious solution, but I'd suggest that a 'proper' introduction into BP&W diving is necessary for the full benefits to be realized. Jumping in the water with an ill-fitted BP&W and/or having no knowledge of how to best configure and utilize the system properly... will not render an accurate appreciation of the strengths and weaknesses for the 'average' diver who tries it.

Virtually every diver learns scuba in a jacket BCD. So, of course, familiarity breeds comfort. Attempting to dive a BP&W as if it were a jacket BCD will not provide an optimum experience.
I understand what you are saying but as long as the wing fits properly it isnt that different then a jacket. In my limited experience fit is most important. MY LDS doesn't offer a wing class so that made me smile. I am not saying I wouldn't take a wing class if offered.
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I understand what you are saying but as long as the wing fits properly it isnt that different then a jacket. In my limited experience fit is most important. MY LDS doesn't offer a wing class that made me smile. I am not saying I wouldn't take a wing class if offered.

I don't think I can agree with this...There is nothing to getting a stab jacket to "fit"....not withstanding it is far from a custom fit....
On the other hand, very few divers can properly set up a bp/wing unless they watched one of the DIR videos on this ( or equivalent), or went through Fundies and had the instructor help them, or they are lucky enough to have a friend that already has the skill. The harness is not intuitive, and proper fit without the above options is highly unlikely.

If you HAD a GUE instructor adjust a harness for you, perfecting this, then you would know what I am talking about. If you never had someone skilled in BP/Wing fittings help you custom fit yours, there is just no way you will appreciate the difference.
....as long as the wing fits properly it isnt that different then a jacket. In my limited experience fit is most important.

Differences do exist, plenty of threads here on Scubaboard that explain them. Primarily, BP&W offers:

1. More intuitive achievement of horizontal trim, via the location and shape of buoyancy cell, coupled with metal backplate spreading weight across the center of gravity.

2. Zero variance in fit, due to buoyancy cell inflation not varying the harness fit when inflated/deflated.

3. Modular construction, allowing unlimited user modification/variation to suit needs.

4. Easier deflation, due to buoyancy cell not being manipulated into a complicated shape to match harness design.

MY LDS doesn't offer a wing class that made me smile. I am not saying I wouldn't take a wing class if offered.

I don't know of any LDS that offers specific 'BP&W training'... however, a mentor or instructor with credible experience (usually a technical diving background) should be able to assist with the (relatively easy) process of fitting and configuring the set-up.

Alternatives would be programs like the 'Fundies' course, an 'Intro to Tec' or 'Intro to Doubles' course that provided insight into hogarthian-style tech configurations. A diver would learn the set-up - applying that with a single-tank BP&W would then be easy..
I bought one, it was sized and fitted to me, I used it, and I liked it. I would accept training if I had a mentor. I need local experienced buddies. Also I don't like the squeezing feeling a jacket gives me at times. My stomach is sensitive. I have tried many jackets and they all make me feel the same way.
I bought one, it was sized and fitted to me, I used it, and I liked it. I would accept training if I had a mentor. I need local experienced buddies. Also I don't like the squeezing feeling a jacket gives me at times. My stomach is sensitive. I have tried many jackets and they all make me feel the same way.

Well, considering the best local diving near Tampa is West palm beach, you should dive with Bill Mee and I a couple of times per month :)
Try a back inflate BC. The comfort of a weight integrated jacket BC with a Back inflate bladder like on a BP/W. I have both a Zeagle and a BP/W. The Zeagle has a nice weight integrated set of pockets. They dive very similarly. I use the BP/W for colder water as it distributes the weight more evenly. For warm water diving I like the Zeagle.

The only reason to consider a BP/W is if you dive doubles. I like it for cold water but you can certainly do not need a BP for cold water diving.
Try a back inflate BC. The comfort of a weight integrated jacket BC with a Back inflate bladder like on a BP/W. I have both a Zeagle and a BP/W. The Zeagle has a nice weight integrated set of pockets. They dive very similarly. I use the BP/W for colder water as it distributes the weight more evenly. For warm water diving I like the Zeagle.

The only reason to consider a BP/W is if you dive doubles. I like it for cold water but you can certainly do not need a BP for cold water diving.

Sorry I did not make it clear I have a rear inflate BC. Is this not considered a wing?

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