It's enough to make you cry...

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I live in Utah in the some point we are going to have some really good ocean dive sites right here in our state.

Happy Diving
Yup, Storm. I agree with you. Nature does, indeed, have the most awesome way of swinging the pendulum. Whether the swing is wide (such as the tens of thousands of years between major ice ages), or smaller (the current rise in world temps could be just one of those "blips"), it's all cyclical.
It may be unfortunate, however, to us as divers that some species evolve too slowly to survive (or perhaps just thrive) during some of those changes. So here we return back to the original thread. As a scientist, I worry about our coral reefs and their ability to change with a too-rapid change in their environment. Whether the cause is global warming or not and whether mankind has anything to do with it or not isn't really the bottom line is it? For me it's a matter of getting out there and collecting data by diving on the reefs and then trying to ascertain whether they're going to stay bleached or perk up. Only time will tell, and I, for one, plan to be out there observing it first hand. I just hope and pray that what I witness isn't the beginning of the demise of an ecosystem that I have grown to love and enjoy.
Good diving, folks!
I just read through this thread. Excuse me while I go out in the back yard and continue building my space ship. The end is near.... better go diving while you can!

Seriously though...... the last article that I read spoke to the concept that GW has been occurring since the last Ice Age. The environmentally unfriendly things that we do exacerbate the situation; but there is absolutely nothing we can do to stop it from happening. Possibly slow it down, but it is inevitable. As the earth warms, the greenhouse effect becomes more pronounced, which makes the earth warmer, which makes the greenhouse effect more pronounced, and on, and on, until we're plunged into the next Ice Age. Why? Because when the earth gets warm enough, and is completely covered with clouds, the lack of sun will cause (relatively) rapid cooling. Bingo! Ice Age! I know it's a pretty simplistic explanation of what will take thousands of years, but, as another poster said, it's part of the natural evolution of the planet. Species that fail to adapt will become extinct (aka: natural selection). Now, let me ask you …….. Deal, or (whoops!) ……….. Would you rather be sweaty or frozen?

Anyone know where I can get parts for a booster rocket????
Anyone else see the US News and World Report article about global warming? It's in the April issue, mentioned on the top banner of the cover.

That article makes it even harder for me to believe the warming we're seeing now falls in line with the cycle and isn't anything to worry about.

Anyone know where I can get parts for a booster rocket????
Talk to Gidds, she messes around with rocket fuel and the like. :D

Concerning core sampling at glaciers and ice sheets. When interpolating data from core samples how do these scientist account for long periods of warming which would cause water run off which wouldn't necessarily be trapped by the ice sheet. Considering that it is possible that hundreds if not thousands of years of data would be lost to evaporation and run off. How can we get even a remotely accurate picture of CO2 samples and other gas samples in the ice core.

Isn't the big assumption pretty obvious. The core samples are not complete analog samples of climate but rather discrete snap shots of cooling periods and don't reflect long periods of warming?

Could someone clear this up for me?

Point is when any scientist pontificates on core samples as complete libraries of the earths climate of "x" amount of years ... how do they account for error do to warming periods and subsequent data loss due to evaporation and run off?
we have addressed it in this thread.

Begone, threshold guardian!
I just read through this thread. Excuse me while I go out in the back yard and continue building my space ship. The end is near.... better go diving while you can!

Anyone know where I can get parts for a booster rocket????

I was going to say you could call your town hall for parts, as the evil US government is probably sending doomsday machine parts to local authorities for distribution to anyone that wants them. But I just read in another thread that said evil government is buisy right now, as we speak, killng Whales. You should give them a fiew weeks to get back on schedule. ......................any chance that rocket is big enough for two? I have got to get off of this planet!
I was going to say you could call your town hall for parts, as the evil US government is probably sending doomsday machine parts to local authorities for distribution to anyone that wants them. But I just read in another thread that said evil government is buisy right now, as we speak, killng Whales. You should give them a fiew weeks to get back on schedule. ......................any chance that rocket is big enough for two? I have got to get off of this planet!
LOL! Do you want to leave the planet because of the political and environmental mess, or to escape the traffic on I95?

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