well, with that floating platform issue (it was like that when we were there last month) and the vis issue, I think we can assume that something did shift.
When we were there in Sept, vis was great, some of the clearest I have seen it in over 5 years (back before the stupid dredging started). The vis now is milky and like Divedoggie says, all your gear gets coated in white film. We have never had this and we have been diving at BH over 7 years! I have been to BH when the vis sucked, but it was not this kind of "white out" conditions. There is bad vis and there is milk.
We are off this weekend to Palau
so we can't report on any changes this month, but I am sure we will be over in late Dec sometime. I will be sure to take pics and video. I hate to think that all this dredging is causing the problems, but my gut feeling is that it is. :11:
When we were there in Sept, vis was great, some of the clearest I have seen it in over 5 years (back before the stupid dredging started). The vis now is milky and like Divedoggie says, all your gear gets coated in white film. We have never had this and we have been diving at BH over 7 years! I have been to BH when the vis sucked, but it was not this kind of "white out" conditions. There is bad vis and there is milk.
We are off this weekend to Palau
