Poping my cherry with this post. I have been reading the board a while. Any way... I have a Mares v32 1st stage with the Proton Metal 2nd. Aparently the 1st stage has some titanium parts in it to reduce wear or anti corrosion or whatever. The setup breathes like butter and only paying $299 for it I'm real happy. Now I'm hearing that titanium in combination with oxygen isn't a good thing. Should this be a concern because I'm not giving up the nitrox. Are we splitting hairs with the titanium thing? Also, I am upgrading to HP steel 100's or 120's. I was planning on mostly filling to 3000psi with an occasional 3500psi fill using nitrox. Does the high pressure cause such significant wear to the 1st stage that I should refrain from a full fill? A more frequent service interval necessary? 3500psi Nitrox ok with the titanuim parts? What are the practical issues here? Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks, Dave