Is this possible?

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It's possible, yes. Whether they'll do it for you is something only they can answer.
It's possible, yes. Whether they'll do it for you is something only they can answer.

i was wondering. because, i have a dui with just the socks and no rock boots of any kind yet. so here is the other question. has anyone actually done this and not sent it out to be done? what kind of sole did you put on? how is it working out? what kind of glue did you use?
Why are more folks today seem to be leaning towards the soft sock, turbo soles, etc. as compared to a fixed boot?



I don't find that the case. Was this noted in a publication or just what you see reading the board.

Just curious.
anything is possible, but we all kinda recommend against it. Not really worth doing.
Brooks in Canada for many years offered and may still offer tennis shoe type soles on their suits. I used them for 15 years, almost exclusively boat diving. What is a beach dive anyway???
HI Paula, my comment on people leaning towards soft soft is based solely upon my observations and conversations with folks. Nothing scientific or in someone else pointed out, it is all about personal preference.

All the points have value. The rock boots (or converse) will provide protection of the soft boot, give some ankle support and further restrict airflow. All good points.

I had 2 ideas in mind with this. 1) to prolong the life of the neoprene and make it a bit safer for the walk when shore diving, and 2) Continued use of 1 pair of fins for both my wet and dry diving. If I go w/ boots, I get turtles as well. Not a big deal, but if I can find a way to do without, even better.

I dive a Bare trilam w/neoprene socks.... I hate the rock boots.... I've used wetsuit boots, and water shoes, both are adequate for rocky entries... no trouble with air in my feet. Plus they fit in my jetfins.....
... Why are more folks today seem to be leaning towards the soft sock, turbo soles, etc. as compared to a fixed boot?
I really don't see that as the case, either. Maybe there's a favorite pair of fins involved...
Trends come & go, the tried & true hang around.
The lightweight sole on the things was the way the el-cheapo booties were made. They sometimes even used carpeting.
Turtles *used* to come with a pocket insert to take up some of that extra room.
You could always keep the Turtles & go with a heavier/fancier wetsuit bootie.
This was a note I posted in another thread but decided to move to a new one to get some additional input...

The question surrounds the issue of having neoprene socks rather than fixed boots on your drysuit. The upside, so I am told is comfort and the possibility to reduce floaty feet. The downside is that unless you wear rock boots or something, you can damage the socks.

If someone had a suit w/ the soft sock, would it not be possible to get a cheap/thin rubber sole from the local shoe repair and glue them onto the bottom. That would:

a) avoid the need for rock boots or shoes,
b) likely mean you could still use your regular fins
c) not rip holes in the socks if you have to walk rocks, etc
d) replace them (the soles) pretty damn easily.

I know that DUI has the turbo soles but this would seem to be more flexible. Tell me, what's wrong with this picture????


I have the soft socks on my Bare HD trilam suit. The socks are too thin to used on their own. Gluing soles on to the socks mean a very strong glue so the soles don't come off, but how are you going to get it off when you need to replace them?

I use a pair of Bare rock boots which cost me $40.00 and they are bomb proof. A friend of mine uses an old pair or army boots that he bought for a few bucks. I would say that's a safer bet then gluing.

Hope this is helpful.

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