@Nick_Radov @jstotz I'm by no means an expert on the subject, but I did study engineering in college, and we had more than few classes on the subject of "what happens if you push on something really, really hard." I've also done some research on the DOT standard for AL 80's. In a nutshell, the standard is what it is because that's the maximum amount AL 80's can reliable, sustainable survive cyclic, repeated loading. In all likelihood, one instance wouldn't hurt anything, but repeatedly, it would weaken the tank and, as Nick said, cause it to fail hydro.
My (former) fill guy overfilled a set to 4000 psi. That, combined with his defensive response about it and his general lack of seeming like he knew what he was doing, is why he is no longer my fill guy, even though I'm now paying twice as much. Yeah, it's painful, but I like my gear to work, and not explode. I'm already more than a little concerned about the damage he might have done, since those tanks were full to that point for nearly 3 months, but what's done is done, and anyway I'm telling myself that since it was a single instance and not cyclical, it will hopefully be fine.
My (former) fill guy overfilled a set to 4000 psi. That, combined with his defensive response about it and his general lack of seeming like he knew what he was doing, is why he is no longer my fill guy, even though I'm now paying twice as much. Yeah, it's painful, but I like my gear to work, and not explode. I'm already more than a little concerned about the damage he might have done, since those tanks were full to that point for nearly 3 months, but what's done is done, and anyway I'm telling myself that since it was a single instance and not cyclical, it will hopefully be fine.