Alright, so I'm aware of all the benefits with the P-valve, since they're pretty obvious, but the obvious negatives are making me hesitate. Getting a dry suit on is enough of a PITA without one extra step. The possibility of the system failing and me getting urine all over the inside of the suit (and me) isn't appealing either. On the other hand, the obvious freedom to drink lots of water and stay hydrated would be pretty nice.
For those guys who have dry suits, with or without P-valves, what are your thoughts on having one or not having one?
I originally didn't get one with my suit, but I'm contemplating it after hearing about the undeserved hit my divemaster in Hawaii told me about, that he got, which sounded like dehydration was a contributing factor to.
OMG DUDE! It's the best invention in diving in the past 20 years. Seriously, absolutely, totally friggin worth it.
Let me give you some background. I've been diving drysuits since 1997. It started in the commercial world diving in Nuclear Power Plants, Oil Rigs and Cold water. We had a choice, hold it, wear a diaper, or let it flow... I chose to hold it, and 4 hour dives were brutal....
Move forward a few years and in the recreational realm it wasn't as big of a deal in the beginning. I was doing 60-90 minute dives and while it wasn't comfortable, it was okay... I guess. The biggest pita was 4 minutes after zipping up your drysuit, you'd inevitably need to Pee.
So... last month I got a P-Valve. I did lots of research and got the Dive Rite Balanced P-Valve
OMG DUDE!!! It's a different world. It's taken so much stress from diving, I can drink as much as I want, I can pee when I want, no fears of DCS, no rushing to get out of the water. It really is heaven. I PROMISE YOU. IF YOU DO IT, YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU DID>
Now, lets talk about blow-offs and leaks... Buy Rochester Wide Bands.... Shower in the morning before the dive... scrub up good. Dry Good and apply. Make your dives all day, when you get home, take it off. Get the right size, stick it on a clean dry penis, and you don't have to worry about a blow-off.
Now, lets talk about installation. I installed the p-valve myself. I took a 1/2" ID peice of copper tubing and heated it to red hot with a 20 dollar propane torch and with a block of wood on the other side, burned a hole quickly through my suit. I took 4" of duct tape and cut a 2" circle out of the center. I applied the duct tape to the inside and outside of the suit over the hole i burned through. Using two washers, a bolt and a nut, I Aqua-Sealed the rubber gaskets to the suit and squeezed the gaskets tight by tightening up the nut and bolts, squishing the gaskets against the suit with the washers. The 4" of duct tape keeps the excess Aqua-Seal from getting all over. When the Aqua-Seal drys, remove the duct tape.
Hope this helps, if you have any questions PM me. If you need a DR Pee Valve, pm me.