But Matt might hesitate to train him
Not a post to Nic but to the OP.
One other difference between technical training and the courses that you describe having taken to this point... Most divers are aware these days that they should "interview" the people who are going to be doing the instruction. A lot of new sport divers may not think like this, but I believe the majority of divers who go through continuing ed work out for themselves that there has to be some chemistry between them and the instructor and make the necessary inquiries.
Many sport instructors are based in a retail store.
What comes as a surprise to some of these people when they decide to go tech, is that the process works very strongly in the other direction once one ventures beyond sport diving certs. That's to say, it is not unusual for a tech instructor to refuse to take a student in a class... the refusal is usually subtle but the end result is the same. One reason is that there are some people who just do not seem like good candidates to swim with at 100 metres or a few hundred metres back in a cave...
Many tech instructors are independent business people not associated with a retail store.
Based only on what you have posted here, you may have a challenge convincing some instructors to work with you.