i've heard so much of both sides stories and im waiting to hear from some of you who have similiar situation.
Hi BB,
I found the following on the web. Hope it helps. (Your best bet is to ask your Doctor)
Subject: Saltwater and Skin
Forum: The Dermatology Forum
Topic Area: Acne
Posted by Michael on August 03, 1999 at 10:22:50
Some folks have suggested that applying saltwater or some sort of saline solution to the face and allowing it to dry can not only soothe inflamed skin, but also improve dry skin. It's even been said that doing this may have some sort of anti-bacterial effect (either through killing bacteria or making the environment less hospitable to them). Is there any truth to any of this?
Posted by Derm M.D. ASR on August 05, 1999 at 11:11:15
I don't really know. People often ascribe miscellaneous "healing powers" to salt water. (Nobody ever extols the medicinal virtue of fresh water. As for chlorinated pool water, don't ask . . .) Whether salt water is indeed more moisturizing or whether its putative antibacterial effects are either true or relevant is questionable. (Again, chlorine is inded antibacterial, but noboy ever thinks of it as anything but potentially irritating and harmful, two bum raps in fact.)
Dr. R
Disclaimer: The information provided in this forum is presented for general educational purposes only. Specific questions you have pertaining to your health should always be directed to your personal physician.