When I dive at home, I dive best mix as my favorite local shop blends. $12/tank for a cave filled custom mix is YAY! At destinations like Cozumel, Roatan, FL Keys, etc finding shops that will mix for you is either not possible or ridiculously expensive. Therefore when I travel, I just dive whatever nitrox is being banked. In the Keys it tends to be 30%. In Cozumel and Roatan it was 32%. Supposedly some shops bank 36% but I haven't seen one yet.
So, if you've got a blending shop available then do what you like. I think you'll find they're not extremely common in "destination" locations.
Or, take a tech class or two. Buy a couple bottles of oxygen, and mix your own.
There is one fairly good reason to NOT dive best mix. That is, captains don't always go where they planned on going for a variety of reasons. If you've got 40% in your tank and the captain ends up going to a site that's too deep, you're either going to have to borrow a tank of air (if the boat has extra tanks) or sit out a dive or two. That said, I like the bigger boats and they usually stick to shallow sites (under 60') so it's not likely to be an issue on such boats. It's always good to have a conversation with the teenager booking your dive in advance, and then another one with the captain before you leave the dock just in case.