LG Diver:Hey all,
I have a single-tank reg setup with an ATX200 1st stage, ATX200 2nd stage (primary) and an ATX50 2nd stage (backup). I'd like to set the reg up for doubles. I really like the hose routing of the Scubapro Mk25 1st stages, but don't necessarily want to spring for 2 Mk25/S600's right now.
John: Both my buddy and I just went through this type of back and forth for a while before setting up our doubles (me in preparation for fundies, him because we like diving the same setup especially since our SAC's are quite close).
My singles rig was an Atomic Z2 1st stage, Z2 primary with a Z1 secondary.
Initially I was going to go with another Salvo (which I already had on a 40 cf) and keep the Atomics as a singles reg. In the end I got a used Atomic M1 so now I have all Atomics, the routing is really sweet (and Lamont says all the cool kids are diving Atomics

My buddy kept his XTX 200 for his right post and ended up buying an Oxycheq reg for $190 (first and second) for his left post. Dove it today, he thinks the Oxycheq delivers as much air as his XTX and is pleased that he didn't spend as much money as I did

At this point I really don't see myself diving singles unless the boat I'm going on isn't large enough / setup for doubles. So I'm not going to worry about owning a singles setup. If it ever gets to the point where I _really_ feel I need both, I'll either add an H (or Y) valve to a singles tank and keep my dual first stages, or pick up an extra Salvo / Oxycheq (same reg) setup.

Good luck, enjoy your doubles