I really meant ro emphasize the "with single tanks and no octos" part moreso than the "solo diving" part as far as now perhaps being viewed as unwise.
That's how diving was done back when I started, no BC or SPG as well. I still dive that way occasionally now, when I get nostalgic. For the most part my diving is solo, single tank, bungeed backup. If I'm going especially deep or may wind up with a deco obligation, I will bring along another tank, but normally its NDL and the surface for more air. Others may do it differently, and are right as well.
for freedivers if might be usable I think where the ascend rates are not as limited as with SCUBA.
If they used it (spare air) they would no longer be freedivers, they would be scuba divers.
And a piece of your signature line @almostDIR. ...for a very competent diver most emergencies could probably be dealt with just as well as when diving with a buddy. The difference being, if you'd ever have a medical emergency underwater you would just die. Absolutely no hope of survival.
You are assuming first that a buddy could help you, and second that being solo in different circumstances, say cross country hiking, would end differently. Yes medical events kill divers, but they kill everyone else eventually, maybe solo in ones bath. People decide what risk is reasonable to them, that may be why there are so few divers.
The future is uncertain and the end is always near