Is it DCI?

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Hi All,

Would like some advice.

I spent 6 days diving last week, making on average 3 dives a day to depths not more than 30 m. Am moderately overweight, and have not worked out for a while. My last dive trip was August last year.

On the morning of the 5th day of diving, I noticed a skin rash on both my thighs, both my upper inner arms, and the lower part of my abdominal. I attributed it to either the wetsuit I rented (a little tight), or the skin lotion (a sample pack) I applied the night before. The rash went away on that same day, late evening. I put in another 2 dives day 6, each about 1.5 hours long in shallow waters. The average depth for the 1st dive was 4 m, and the average for the 2nd dive was 6 metres. I surfaced from the dive around 1.30 p.m.

Day 7 I didn't dive, and flew home that evening. Day 8 I was alright, but early morning of Day 9, I was brushing my teeth, and I coughed (with my back bent), and the next thing I knew I was on the floor and couldn't move at all. Any movement of my arms / legs back sent sharp pain down my back. I was on the floor for close to an hour I think, before I could get up (very painfully with help from my husband) and move to bed, 1.5 metre away.

First two days I couldn't even turn my body in bed. I lie in bed for close to 3 days before I could sit up, and stand. Today is Day 6, and I can walk, albeit a bit wobbly. Pain still there in my lower back, but it is bearable.

Is it DCI? Should I seek medical help?

Call DAN: 919-684-4326.

I would find it unlikely you flew and then got bent two days later. I think more likely, you have a pulled muscle in spasm in your lower back. Coughing while bending over can do that, believe me.

But to be on the safe side, give DAN a call and explain the situation. Then call a an acupuncturist.

Many thanks, Jeff. I'm really glad to hear that from an experienced diver. I guess I can give the call to DAN a miss =)

Thanks again!
The symptom onset 2.5 days or so after the last dive makes DCI very unlikely.

90+% of DCI will have an onset within a few hours after the last dive.

Having flown home on day 7 (roughly 24-30 hours after your last dive?) if there had been a significant load of nitrogen in your system you would more likely have had a problem then.

If you'd like to give DAN a call thats fine of course but they're going to tell you to see your physician (or maybe even a chiropracter).

I'm just an EMT/DMT and can't diagnose over the internet any more than anyone else but my initial wild guess based on your description is more pinched nerve ish than anything else. And the recommendation is the same as DAN will give- go see your doc. Pain severe enough to immobilize you isn't something you can afford to ignore. (Think of it this way- what if you'd been driving when it happened?)

Hope you feel better!
That's very reassuring, many thanks TC.
I am just wondering if there is cause for concern as I was lying in bed (cause of the back pain) reading a scuba-diving book just now, and the chapter on DCI mentioned skin rash as one of the symptoms of DCI, as well as trauma to the lower back. It all seems to add up, so I thought I better check it with someone experienced.
The rash could have been DCI, but if so it was a mild case. We would not normally even treat a "skin hit" in the chamber.

But the new skin lotion could just as easily have been the culprit.
Dont take anything that we say on this board as a valid medical diagnose although it might be reassuring. Its most likely not a matter of DCI, but to be sure see a doctor. Youll want to make sure you treat that back properly regardless of what caused it in either way..

GL with your recovery
Hi kimmymore:

Given the length of time between diving and pain, I also doubt DCI is the issue.

You certainly want to have the back problem diagnosed and treated. I have back problems and they can be very bothersome.
Hi. I concur with DrD. Given the length of time involved being 'unable' to move, this problem requires formal evaluation by your primary doctor first, as soon as possible. DCI at this point is unlikely but an MRI of your spine, specifically with the symptoms still present, are likely to reveal something.

Hi All,

Would like some advice.

I spent 6 days diving last week, making on average 3 dives a day to depths not more than 30 m. Am moderately overweight, and have not worked out for a while. My last dive trip was August last year.

On the morning of the 5th day of diving, I noticed a skin rash on both my thighs, both my upper inner arms, and the lower part of my abdominal. I attributed it to either the wetsuit I rented (a little tight), or the skin lotion (a sample pack) I applied the night before. The rash went away on that same day, late evening. I put in another 2 dives day 6, each about 1.5 hours long in shallow waters. The average depth for the 1st dive was 4 m, and the average for the 2nd dive was 6 metres. I surfaced from the dive around 1.30 p.m.

Day 7 I didn't dive, and flew home that evening. Day 8 I was alright, but early morning of Day 9, I was brushing my teeth, and I coughed (with my back bent), and the next thing I knew I was on the floor and couldn't move at all. Any movement of my arms / legs back sent sharp pain down my back. I was on the floor for close to an hour I think, before I could get up (very painfully with help from my husband) and move to bed, 1.5 metre away.

First two days I couldn't even turn my body in bed. I lie in bed for close to 3 days before I could sit up, and stand. Today is Day 6, and I can walk, albeit a bit wobbly. Pain still there in my lower back, but it is bearable.

Is it DCI? Should I seek medical help?


Hi kimmymore:

Given the length of time between diving and pain, I also doubt DCI is the issue.

You certainly want to have the back problem diagnosed and treated. I have back problems and they can be very bothersome.
Many thanks Dr. Deco and Saturation, for the helpful advice. Really appreciate it.

I am assured that this is not DCI, and I sure am glad. I probably have very rudimentary knowledge about DCI, but as long as the back pain is not DCI, it seems a small matter in comparison. Will certainly get the back checked if I still don't see improvement the next few days, but for now, I am just so relieved that it is not diving-related.

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