Is it DCI?

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You're welcome. Please keep us posted with what happens later. There is a remote chance it can be DCI related, but this late in the picture, its not a primary concern. If there is suggestion of some issue regarding gas embolization, late recompression may help but all these are finely tuned treatments that must be decided on by your face to face visit with a doctor. If you are in Singapore, things run a little different from what I am familiar, as you are covered by the DAN Asia-Pacific call system.
Thanks Saturation, Dr. Deco. TC, Tigerman and Jeff for your advices.

My back is much much better already, so I believe it must either be a strained back, or a sprained back. Am walking, and although when I bend my back it is still tiring and it aches, I don't have much problem with it now.

Appreciate your prompt replies - certainly helped loads for someone who was lying in bed and wondering what happened.

Thanks again!
Dont take anything that we say on this board as a valid medical diagnose although it might be reassuring. Its most likely not a matter of DCI, but to be sure see a doctor.

OMG...either way you cant gamble with your helath like that, if it had been a DCI hit you would def need to be treated, not wait 7 days, if it wasnt, you def need to be treated, not wait 7 days....I was a paramedic for years, and we hauled way too many people into emergency rooms for simple things that they let go until they were HUGE problems...I hope you are ok, good luck

I guess it seemed stupid. I just made a calculated guess - usually I AM paranoid about small issues escalating into bigger ones if left alone / untreated so I always check if I am the least bit concern. Surprisingly I didn't this time for my back.
It was somewhat 'reassuring' because when I sprained my back, I more or less knew that it was my posture that was wrong. It was only when I was lying in bed reading scuba diving books that I remembered about the rashes, and then paranoia set in. I started thinking whether it could be DCI related, etc... Having read the helpful posts from Saturation, Dr. Deco. TC, Tigerman and Jeff, I was assured and decided to just give my back a rest. PLUS the fact that it was so painful to get out of bed, much less out of the house, post a great 'deterrence' and I decided to give the doc a miss.
I hope there's not a next time, but yeah, I will probably get it checked if it happens again. Thanks for advice.
OMG...either way you cant gamble with your helath like that, if it had been a DCI hit you would def need to be treated, not wait 7 days, if it wasnt, you def need to be treated, not wait 7 days....I was a paramedic for years, and we hauled way too many people into emergency rooms for simple things that they let go until they were HUGE problems...I hope you are ok, good luck
Im not sure what youre trying to say by quoting half my post there? I never told anyone to gamble with anything, rather the opposite?

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