there was an article a few years back on using 50% O2 / 50% He to treat DCS. they also found that after the initial compression due to boyle's law from the chamber that bubbles grew with 100% O2 but recompression with 50/50 did not produce an initial growth in bubbles. it was theorized that for gas bubbles O2 is actually faster than nitrogen which is faster than helium. so for an air bubble you get an initial 'reverse' IBCD effect which grows the bubble as the O2 enters the bubble faster than the nitrogen leaves.
when it comes to decompression the thing which struck me is that if you get bubbles of trimix the helium will be very slow to leave -- which may explain why deep stops are so important with trimix to avoid creating bubbles, and why so many old timers believe that helium bends are so much worse...
when it comes to decompression the thing which struck me is that if you get bubbles of trimix the helium will be very slow to leave -- which may explain why deep stops are so important with trimix to avoid creating bubbles, and why so many old timers believe that helium bends are so much worse...