Irresponsible parenting IMHO. Dad lets uncert. young son dive. (+link)

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Well, there are a few other parties to blame in addition to Russia.
What gave you the idea that I like European gun companies? I mentioned the USA murder rate because I'm American (I don't know about you) and have lived in the USA for 8 years, so that's relevant to me. It's useless for you to try to change the subject by involving national pride. Anyway, I'd love to hear you say that there are more gun-related murders here than in the USA.

What does that mean, shooting police that try to arrest you?

Zingtea: I am no gun nut, even though I grew up in rural Pennsylvania and hunted since I was 12 yrs. old. We always took only what a family could eat. One year I fed a family of six with my deer limit. I served as a Marine in Vietnam. I have not fired a weapon since then. On the other hand, the right to keep and bear arms against intruders foreign or domestic, is part of our heritage. If you want to intrude on my home you will be met and resisted. I hope that never happens. I wish peace on all the world. One of the reasons I was first attracted to SCUBA was the peace under the waves. The first year home from Vietnam I dove free or SCUBA almost daily. I lived in La Jolla, right off the beach. The sea was a great comfort and lots of fun. Those who grew up with guns, usually, are responsible and carefull. Several Austrians, Herr Hitler included, were not so inclined.
It's a different era these days. My dad cut us lose in the pool with scuba gear and we had a blast. We knew the rules about never hold your breath, don't shoot to the surface, and equalize our ears. Course that was in 1973 and even though scuba gear is inherently more safe now and the practices are more standardized we worry even more about the dangers.

As my friends have been raising their kids in a very protected world, mine got dirty, scrapped their knees, ate dog kibble, fell out of trees, played John Wayne and fell off their horses, and most importantly enjoyed life.

I also that society going too far with all this safety stuff. Look at the childrens car seats you have to have these days. I agree with seats until say 3 years old and perhaps a booster cushion, but now in Europe you have to have these huge seats until they are 8 or 9 years old. They strap your kids in allowing less movement than an adult in a cramped airline seat. I wonder if instead of accident injuries, deep vein thrombosis will be on the rise. I remember taking 8 hour car journeys with my parents and we would have fun in the back of the car (wearing seat belts) being able to move around somewhat, play games etc. Now my kid is in this tower of a car seat that if he drops his toy I have to reach back and get it because he can't get to it.
I find this overkill, after all, kids do not wear a helmet while taking the stairs up to their room which statistically is still one of the most dangerious locations for kids (running up and down stairs).
Much of this "safety" is all driven by manufacturers trying to sell their latest gear to parents, and they know parents are suckers for their kids safety.
I want my kids to be safe, but I also want them to grow up having fun and appreciating and experiencing risk and dangers.
I watch my kid when he is doing stuff that can be dangerious. I do not believe in padding them up so that you can then just ignore them knowing that they are "safe".

I think that diving too young has several risks I would not allow my kid to take. But I certainly plan on taking my kid to a pool one day and having him a breath of my reg just for the fun of it. I do not agree that you need a C-card for everything you do these days. Full diving in open water, ok. In a pool, if with an experienced diver, I don't think so. After all, you do not need a C-card to be a parent yet, and I even see more reason for c-carding that, than some of the other activities that require it.
Several Austrians, Herr Hitler included, were not so inclined.
Neither has Bush been. The same with Cheney, Rumsfeld, Nixon or Reagan. How many Austrian gun-users do you know that aren't in history books? What are you trying to achieve by making negatively insinuative statements about a country I live in because a UN agency's headquaters is located there? I'm sorry the US betrayed you by sending you to Vietnam, but I fail to see your point.
Neither has Bush been. The same with Cheney, Rumsfeld, Nixon or Reagan. How many Austrian gun-users do you know that aren't in history books? What are you trying to achieve by making negatively insinuative statements about a country I live in because a UN agency's headquaters is located there? I'm sorry the US betrayed you by sending you to Vietnam, but I fail to see your point.

Peace on us all. The Austrians as you well know were the most virulent Nazi's. Does not mean the current citizens are so but it also does not change the history.
Wish I had started diving at 9!!
My farther dove in the 50s. I started him diving again in the 80s.
Im glad I grew up then to much overprotection now!!!
Rick L
Rick L:
Yikes how did nazis get brought up?
Ps mdb I have a AV1 and love it!!!!!!!!!
Rick L
Very good to know. AV1 vehicles are very reliable. The "nazi" thread means nothing. Good divers try many U/W vehicles and choose the one best for their application.
Very good to know. AV1 vehicles are very reliable. The "nazi" thread means nothing.
You brought up Nazis because you don't like Austrians. If you lived and worked in Japan right now, I'd have a lot more to say to you, and not just about 60-year-old wars (whale burgers anyone?). I guess you're just bitter that our current state governor is an Austrian.
Get over yourselves. Padi et al has made a good living by convincing everyone diving is not only really dangerous and really hard but requires that you spend a lot of money. In reality, it isn't that hard. There are specific things you need to know to live, yeah, but on shallow simple non-repetitive dives under good conditions those things aren't that many or that onerous. Neophytes and children taken on cautious dives with an experienced individual are a simple and good thing. I've taken dozens of individuals on first dives in shallow, clear, calm areas. Told them what they need to know - don't hold your breath, clear your ears, hold my hand, etc. - and it was always a positive and fun experience. The danger attitude is more about diving marketing than reality. Gotta sell classes and sell high-tech stuff. It's also so so self-exoticizing to believe that you as a diver are involved in this dangerous elite high-tech endeavour when in reality is and should be perceived as kid's play.

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