Or as a wrestler...
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More or less (rather less than moreclgsamson:Mania...I can read it but I don't know how to pronounce the words..
mania:Jak sie czujesz (how are you). Yak shea chooyesh
Dziękuję (thank you). Jecooyea
Zakopane (name of the skiing city in Poland) Zacopanea
And here it goes:
1. Jeden - Yeden (almost like Yemen)
2. Dwa - dva
3. Trzy - Tchi
4. Cztery Chteari
5. Pięć - Peech
6. Sześć - Sheshch
7. Siedem - Shiedem
8. Osiem - Oshiem
9. Dziewięć - Jeveech
10. Dziesięć - Jeshieach
Pozdrowienia - Cheers (more or less...) Pozdroveaneaa
This is a very good beer. But try to find Żywiec - Polish one - great beer!!!!Zeeman:PLZEN - imported from Czech Republic. Pilsner Urquell. that looks good, I'll have that![]()
would iodized salt be good enough?![]()
dlndavid:now we've heard it all, another SB romance. now we've heard it all, another SB romance.Zeeman:IJJ!
mania:This is a very good beer. But try to find Żywiec - Polish one - great beer!!!!
Zee - buziaki
jj_freelord:(That last line'll guarantee that everyone'll pick on him, won't it?)