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Scuba Instructor
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Ontario, Canada
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
I'm at a loss...

I posted recently on the Instructor's Forum with this subject:

"I am in the process of creating a day-long program for my LDS employer where all of our diving leadership will gather to team build, share thoughts & opinions, & review emergency procedures / preparedness for the coming diving season..."

I went on to describe a full day's dive leadership team-building soiree, where the focus would be on incident prevention / response. I asked if other dive leaders on the board engaged in this type of discourse / training with their leadership team members & if they did, how did they do it, what did they include etc., etc., hoping to generate a little brainstorming amongst the good membership for the betterment of all...

...20 views, no response. Nothing. No opinions, no anecdotes, no interest, apparently.

I was very suprised, considering the quality of participation / participants on this board.

Any ideas as to why?

Being neither an instructor nor a dive leader, I have no idea why. Could it be that the instructor types are more lone-wolf, and think their approach and methods are the best, or maybe they just don't want to share the knowledge (afraid of the competition)? Or just apathy?

Either way, it's not too encouraging to the rest of us ordinary divers. This kind of knowledge or brainstorming should be spread wide throughout the industry. I didn't read your original post, so could be I'm missing something.
They could have been thinking you are trying to be sneaky about creating a course that they be required to take/pay for. I don't think that, but it could be a possibility why nobody responed.

I think that just getting together once a month or so to review even basic skills is a great idea. People's lives can be in their hands and the least they owe those people to at least pretend to give a *#*t.

Other than that I would have no idea as to why nobody answered.
I would think the people viewing your thread perhaps read it and agreed with you so they had nothing to say, or didn't have much creative to say.

On the jist of your post though I wonder how many of the lads and lasses diving for fun out there get together with thier buddies and discuss the up coming dive season and what they wish to accomplish in the way of improved safety, better techniques, advanced training, etc.

Other than dive "Clubs" which may or may not have regular outside dive meetings how many discuss the finer points of diving pre and post season with people they may plan to dive with?

The guy I regularly dive with and I are in pretty good communication and set goals for the season and the type of dives we would like to accomplish. We also discuss gear and configuration, new stuff, old stuff, hydro's etc anything that is on the go including bouyancy control or problems on dives and why they happened, solutions etc.

How many people really take the time to show a new buddy all thier gear and inspect the gear of the new buddy etc. I guess on some of the sardine can tours it would be difficult but sitting on the boat or picnic table getting ready it is pretty easy to throw a bone to the new buddy and see how he bites?
I'm at a loss...

I posted recently on the Instructor's Forum with this subject:

"I am in the process of creating a day-long program for my LDS employer where all of our diving leadership will gather to team build, share thoughts & opinions, & review emergency procedures / preparedness for the coming diving season..."

I went on to describe a full day's dive leadership team-building soiree, where the focus would be on incident prevention / response. I asked if other dive leaders on the board engaged in this type of discourse / training with their leadership team members & if they did, how did they do it, what did they include etc., etc., hoping to generate a little brainstorming amongst the good membership for the betterment of all...

...20 views, no response. Nothing. No opinions, no anecdotes, no interest, apparently.

I was very suprised, considering the quality of participation / participants on this board.

Any ideas as to why?


but I'll be happy to reply now. I don't want this to sound too negative but I'll give you my perspective of what I perceive your suggestion is.

How big is you dive operation and how many inst/dm's are in the shops employee?

Will this be a mandatory or optional attendance?

Since I'm a contract employee will I be compensated for my time?

Do I need to review safety procedures, ABSOLUTELY, can't be too safe. Will I meet with the shop manager and/or other instructors and go over any new material/procedures, etc at a convenient time. Be more than happy to.

Unfortunately, I am required to go through the "team building" at my work about once a year and my experiences with it haven't been positive. We get told it is we, we, we and when some tough questions are asked it becomes an I, I, I or you, you, you story from management. I'm the coach, this is the team, and you peons are the the athletic supporters.

I'm in the unique situation that we only have 2 other instructors at the shop I teach with. We all get along great, golf, and dive together. We talk farily freely amongst ourselves about anthing we want without being required to get together. We usually wind up running into each other at the shop around once every week or so anyway.

Can you idea of a get together but good, sure. I'm not sure if you were planning it to be a formal class or an informal session, but if it is a "required" voluntary class. Expect resistance.
many people stop reading anything the minute they see the phrase "team-building" ...

or maybe you posted at a time of day when few people saw it before it fell too far down the New Posts list to notice?
Dan, I just found your other post (now 28 views!). The concept sounds great. I think the reason you didn't get any responses is because no one else is doing anything like that. My guess is that most LDSs are too busy just trying to keep finances in the black without putting effort forth in any other area. Now if this were a course you could offer to the customers, maybe as a distinctive specialty, you might find more interest from LDS owners. I know of a shop that has a team success distinctive specialty. I've never taken it, but I know it's nothing like what you're doing.
I'm at a loss...

I posted recently on the Instructor's Forum with this subject:

"I am in the process of creating a day-long program for my LDS employer where all of our diving leadership will gather to team build, share thoughts & opinions, & review emergency procedures / preparedness for the coming diving season..."

I went on to describe a full day's dive leadership team-building soiree, where the focus would be on incident prevention / response. I asked if other dive leaders on the board engaged in this type of discourse / training with their leadership team members & if they did, how did they do it, what did they include etc., etc., hoping to generate a little brainstorming amongst the good membership for the betterment of all...

...20 views, no response. Nothing. No opinions, no anecdotes, no interest, apparently.

I was very suprised, considering the quality of participation / participants on this board.

Any ideas as to why?


I think it's the wording, "Diving Leadership", "Team Building", and the concept of spending a full day doing what? Getting ready to instruct like they do everyday/year?

If you said let's have a cookout with beer at my house on Saturday and kick around ideas on how to make things run smoother this year I think more people would be interested as far as having a more enthusiastic response at your LDS. As far as more response from the board I just don't think it's the kind of subject that anyone is going to get too enthusiastic about.

In other words it sounds like justifying a meeting that no one wants to attend by using phrases like "Team Building". Most of us have been dragged to meetings like that but few have been enthusiastic about it.

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