Installing trim weight pockets on a Zeagle Brigade

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Rick Murry

Reaction score
Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
# of dives
100 - 199
I just bought trim pockets for my Zeagle brigade and when I was at the store the other day I had Joe there briefly show me the installation process....Unfortunately my short term memory is very short term and I got it home back to Wisconsin and sat and stared at it drawing a complete blank as to how to correctly install the pockets...Help someone!

Rick Murry
Take the bottom tank band off the BC.

Wrap the velcro section of the 8051Z around the webbing on the vest. By laying it next the the spot where the tank band will be going on, you can see where it all lines up.

Once the velcro wrap is done, put the tank band back on, running it through the loop on the 8051Z pocket and retrhread it on the buckle.

That's all there is to it!
You can also do it on the top band but it doesn't mount as nicely. The Velcro doesn't work as well. There are a several threads on it here if you have the desire to search. :D

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