Installing/Cutting Fusion Tech Skin

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Reaction score
San Francisco, CA
# of dives
200 - 499
I currently have the Sport skin on my Fusion and received my Tech skin yesterday (very excited!). Looking at the Tech skin, I realized that there are no holes cut for the exhaust and inflator valves. I was just wondering if anyone has any advice or instructions on the best way to cut a hole in the skin. Are sharp scissors good enough? I also remember reading somewhere about using a soldering that better? Also, any worries about it fraying? Thanks!
Thanks for the quick response, Tyler! I had watched the video prior to posting. I was just hoping for a bit more details on cutting the hole (the video has no audio, so I don't think I'm missing any of the information). Based on the video, scissors are the best way to go? No worries about fraying?

Also, I noticed that on the Tech skin I got, there's an outline of where the shoulder exhaust valve goes, but there isn't one for the inflator valve on the chest. Is mine just missing one? How should I best estimate where to cut on the chest?

Thanks for your help!
Cutting a hole is very straight forward - no need to worry about fraying, we've been cutting holes in them since we launched the Fusion, i haven't seen a single one with a problem.

As far as cutting goes - use a sharp pair of scissors and cut a hole no more than 1 inch in diameter. For the inflation valve you will see 2 stitch marks around the base of the velcro on the upper side of the zipper. Cut the hole about 3.0" up from the middle of those 2 stitches - I used the end of a marker to establish a traceable diameter. Simply stretch the hole over the valve pad on your DryCore and you're set!


Until the next dive!
Tyler, from Jame's review ( it seems that the tech skin used to either have a hole pre-cut for the inflator valve, or at the very least, have the same material as for the dump valve to help prevent fraying.

Any reason the new tech skins have this material over the dump but not the inflator? Manufacturing oversight?

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