I don't know if the conclusion you arrived at can be established with having had just /one/ dive buddy, who had not dived in about 20 years, likely someone who only had done trust me dives, as dive computers probably weren't as accessible for individual ownership so many years ago.
The DM went up earlier because he went into deco, which is the responsible thing to do. If he was using a Suunto, for example, why would that be shocking that his dive computer would go into deco before a Shearwater, even on low conservatism? (I don't have a Shearwater or Suunto, but from what I've read, the Shearwater's are vastly more liberal.)
Many DM's ask what everyone's dive computer is, especially when dives could go into deco, to see which would likely go into deco before others. That's likely from their experience of having to dive with many insta-buddies. They go with whichever is the most conservative, to prevent lock-outs among all their customers. From that, I know to see what dive computer my buddy is diving with. Since my primary dive computer is a Cressi, I already know it's pretty conservative so if I approach deco, my buddy is likely around there too, or still safely in NDL.
I'm glad you educated your buddy on NDL again, but it's one of those situations when the dive op should have pushed for a refresher course.