Inflator Hose Recall by SiTech

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so if i have one of these hoses on a new suit i purchased (and haven't dove yet) and the restrictor is there, all i need to do is remove the black restrictor and i'm good to go?
Thanks Tyler- looking forward to getting the suit wet for the first time tomorrow!
I'm a little behind the ball on this. My drysuit has a sitech valve including a hose with one of these restrictors in it. It looks like removing it is easy enough but my question is .... what, exactly, is happening to these hoses?

Reading through the lines it sounds like the insert can get dislodged. is that the problem? What happens if one gets dislodged? How frequently are they failing?

I found my insert nestled against the inlet orifice of my bungied second stage!:shakehead:

I don't think that it would've been possible for it to have fully blocked the airflow but it would've restricted it noticeably at depth and no doubt would've made an airshare somewhat more peaky...
I found my insert nestled against the inlet orifice of my bungied second stage!:shakehead:

I don't think that it would've been possible for it to have fully blocked the airflow but it would've restricted it noticeably at depth and no doubt would've made an airshare somewhat more peaky...

How did you connect your inflator hose to the second stage? How did the insert move through the hose from the end connected to the 1st stage to the end connected to the second?
The passage for the insert to travel to the 2nd stage via the 1st is very straight forward. The insert obviously fell into the 1st stage from the inflator hose then migrated to the 2nd..
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I found my insert nestled against the inlet orifice of my bungied second stage!:shakehead:

I don't think that it would've been possible for it to have fully blocked the airflow but it would've restricted it noticeably at depth and no doubt would've made an airshare somewhat more peaky...

I had to read that a couple of times.... at first I thought you meant it was blown down the inflator hose towards the dry-suit inflator but your second post made it clear that it somehow got into the regulator hose via the 1st stage....

That's enough information for me. I'm going to pull mine out right now.... :D

It seems the OD of the insert is very inconsistent, the second insert in my other hose didn't come out without a tug...
The passage for the insert to travel to the 2nd stage via the 1st is very straight forward. The insert obviously fell into the 1st stage end of the inflator hose whilst not pressurized then migrated to the 2nd..

I misunderstood your 1st post completely, thanx for the clarification. Mine is coming out; now!

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