Rock Bottom - Table Values
I would suggest using tables like the following for an AL80:
30 fsw - 700 psi
60 fsw - 1000 psi
100 fsw - 1300 psi
130 fsw - 1800 psi
This table makes it really simple. All the rest is amazing, but holy complicated...
So based on your example of Rock Bottom - Turn Pressure, here are some calculations for Rock Bottom - Turn Pressures assuming an AL 80 tank and a dive that must end where it begins like at an ascent line:
30 fsw = 3000 psi - 700 psi = 2300 psi/2=1100 psi
3000 psi - 1100 psi = 1900 psi
60 fsw = 3000 psi - 1000 psi = 2000 psi/2 = 1000 psi
3000 psi - 1000 psi = 2000 psi
100 fsw = 3000 psi - 1300 psi = 1700 psi/2 = 800 psi
3000 psi - 800 psi = 2200 psi
130 fsw = 3000 psi - 1800 psi = 1200 psi/2 = 600 psi
3000 psi - 600 psi = 2400 psi
So a
Rock Bottom - Turn Pressures Table would look like this:
30 fsw - 1900 psi
60 fsw - 2000 psi
100 fsw - 2200 psi
130 fsw - 2400 psi
If my calculations are correct, then at 30 feet, even assuming that it is a dive where you must ascend where you began, to turn around at 1900 psi seems really over-cautious. Even at 60 feet, to turnaround at 2000 psi seems over-cautious. I can see the need for the deeper depths. Are my calculations off or is that much contingent gas necessary for the shallower depths? :06:
I'm afraid to calculate what those numbers translate to for my AL 63's!! Even with excellent consumption... :11: