Indoor places in MD to test gear

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Let's do the math here - shops that are serious about their business invest heavily in advertising, with one specific purpose - to bring customers into the shop. So, there is a direct cost associated with each customer that actually does come into the shop, and that was paid by the shop owners as part of the advertising expense.

Now you have a diver who is not a customer who wants to come to your pool and try gear or test gear or just check their gear out. So, not only did you not pay an advertising cost to get this guy in, which puts you ahead of the game, but now you also want to actually charge them a fee. Sorta double dipping in my book. Here we're just happy to have old or new or prospective customers and divers join us, at no cost, cause we are confident that once they try us, they will be our customer. So if that is not worth the "expense" of letting them swim in a pool you already pay for, then what would it take to make sense? Are pool rentals or maintenance not already in your operating budget? Is that $15 that important to the shop owner? Geeeesh, I hope not.

I hope the original poster finds a shop owner in his area that understands this logic, and welcomes him in to his pool gratis, as we would if he was up here in southeast PA. And for the shop owner, I know passing up that $15 or $49 for the pool use will pay off in the long run.

I'm not interested in a pissing match... but as a customer (not a business owner) who has been diving for 14 years... long before I owned a dive shop, I had no problem paying $10, $15 or whatever to go play with my gear in the pool.

People understand there is a cost involved in doing business. I know other local dive shops who charge $20 - $35 - so our $15 is a bargain.

In many areas, pools are not readily available to anyone - much less divers to play in. Want a day pass to a healthclub around here - easily $10 - $20 for a day... and then they'll tell you - no dive equipment in the pool.

In taking up for those who own and operate pools - pools are very expensive ventures and well outside of "advertising" expenses. Electricity, Chemicals, Lifeguards, maintenance, Insurance etc... should all be free I suppose. Maybe Mr. Obama will send these Scuba Pool operators some stimulus.

Now if there is a potential that someone is trying our gear with the intent to buy it - I always let them come for free.... if however they have bought gear on the internet already and just want to come and play in the pool with their new toys - they're going to pay $15.

Neither I nor anyone else is in business to provide free pool time to divers who have no intention of doing business with us.

Every dive shop operates differently. Everyone's budget is set up differently... so if yours works for you - God Bless You.... but you're in no position to tell others how to run their budget.... Cheers... now go make some money.
I'm not interested in a pissing match... but as a customer (not a business owner) who has been diving for 14 years... long before I owned a dive shop, I had no problem paying $10, $15 or whatever to go play with my gear in the pool.

Now if there is a potential that someone is trying our gear with the intent to buy it - I always let them come for free.... if however they have bought gear on the internet already and just want to come and play in the pool with their new toys - they're going to pay $15.

Neither I nor anyone else is in business to provide free pool time to divers who have no intention of doing business with us.

Our policy is the same here in Westchester NY..We teach you to dive,maintain gear and travel..If you purchased your gear from us and wish to use the pool at ANY Time it is available its yours for the asking at no charge.
Get your gear purchased elsewhere and have it maintained here and wish to check it out after service in the pool? Sure go use the pool for that 1 time at no charge.
Purchase gear elsewhere /online and wish to use pool? Either you cannot or it is $50.
You cannot expect the same level of service if you get gear elsewhere.Pools are so very expensive to build and maintain.This can be viewed as a very positive incentive to purchase gear at the LDS along with all manufacturers warrenties that go with sale at an authorized dealer.
I suppose it is all in how we view people that come in our doors. If they need to pass muster by purchasing all their gear, travel and training from the shop in order to get into the 'club', so be it.

We treat folks differently here - in fact, we're happy when you walk in her, even with your Leisure Pro purchase that you need some help to assemble or want to test. Heck, we already missed that sale, no sense crying over it, but here is our chance to make a positive impression on you and get a shot at your future business.

Do I need to spank you for buying that someplace else? Or slam you with fees to use the pool, or assemble your gear? Yeah, that is a surefire method of making a good impression on a customer, and really makes them want to come back for more (abuse).

So of course each shop or owner is entitled to operate as they choose, and we're glad so many in our area choose that 'spanking' approach - it sure helps grow our list of satisfied and repeat customers!

Thanks for sharing gentlemen!
Our policy is the same here in Westchester NY..We teach you to dive,maintain gear and travel..If you purchased your gear from us and wish to use the pool at ANY Time it is available its yours for the asking at no charge.
Get your gear purchased elsewhere and have it maintained here and wish to check it out after service in the pool? Sure go use the pool for that 1 time at no charge.
Purchase gear elsewhere /online and wish to use pool? Either you cannot or it is $50.
You cannot expect the same level of service if you get gear elsewhere.Pools are so very expensive to build and maintain.This can be viewed as a very positive incentive to purchase gear at the LDS along with all manufacturers warrenties that go with sale at an authorized dealer.

But what if you only purchased some gear from you?
Conditions, conditions! Chuckling here, of course - wondering what the percentage of gear purchases or number of classes or trips that you would need to buy 'in house' to be considered part of the family!
Conditions, conditions! Chuckling here, of course - wondering what the percentage of gear purchases or number of classes or trips that you would need to buy 'in house' to be considered part of the family!

That is why I asked my question. I understand the logic behind requiring gear purchases but, as a potential or current customer, I would personally rather a shop have a policy like:

- Everybody gets charged a nominal fee (but the same fee) which covers nothing more than some of the maintenance unless you are taking a class

Otherwise you just have a shop taking sides and over charging some and not charging others. I do not want to be the consumer that is subsidizing someone else's time in the pool. Even if I purchase the gear, I have no issue with paying $10-$15 for pool time to play with it.
What if I am really thinking about buying Brand X BCD from the shop, so, as a diver that falls under the "Now if there is a potential that someone is trying our gear with the intent to buy it" category, I could dive for free, but say after the dive, I decide to go with Brand Y BCD from the 'other shop', or, heaven forbid, online - will I get billed for he pool time?
It sounds like simple logic to me Dave! I can't believe people stay in business with the punishment attitude. That's what sets IVS appart!:D
Hey thanks for that ScubaRich! "Deliberately Different" is what we are, and how we operate every day! And the results are evident with the growing community of Indian Valley Scuba divers.
What if I am really thinking about buying Brand X BCD from the shop, so, as a diver that falls under the "Now if there is a potential that someone is trying our gear with the intent to buy it" category, I could dive for free, but say after the dive, I decide to go with Brand Y BCD from the 'other shop', or, heaven forbid, online - will I get billed for he pool time?

Honestly... thats called you burned me once... but you won't do it twice.

You see, we don't typically have that problem around here - because our prices are already lower everyday of the year than even the internet sellers.

If you try it here and you're going to buy it - you're going to buy it here - otherwise you're going to pay too much.

As a store owner, I have no problem with people buying other brands that I don't sell - I even encourage people to try everything out there before making a decision (see my posts elsewhere.)

We don't badmouth the internet or other shops - we embrace them. Their poor customer service and high prices elsewhere have driven people to us in droves.

Good honest customers do business with good honest businesses. You see, it works both ways. I love it when a customer walks in and says things like "What do you have that's similar to XYZ." I show them what I have. If they want to try it - we have a try it before you buy it policy. You can test dive anything we sell with no commitment at all. The only thing we ask is that if you do decide to buy the item, you save yourself some money and buy it from us. If you decide to go with a competitor (and their brand) for your purchase - that's cool. You can still dive with us and you're welcome in our store anytime. You're even still invited to all of our parties and to put your name in for chances to win free gear and eat our free food.

But - if you want to play with that gear in the pool - you're going to pay $15 to play in the pool and help me pay for my pool expenses... and you know what, good honest customers understand this and have no problem with it.

Hopefully that all makes sense... Just trying to keep it real...

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