Indoor exercises for diving

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S. Kim

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Are there any exercises a diver can do indoors for improving his/her fitness for diving?
So far I am making shapes with my feet to strengthen my ankles and improve their flexibility, "ladies" press-ups and sit-ups to strengthen my arm and stomach muscles. Jump-rope for cardio. After this, I'm at a loss!
Yoga .... walk on your tiptoes to strengthen your calf muscles, lots and lots of stretching too
I do the stationary bike. Also the rubber "stretchies" for arms--this helps for swimming, not so much scuba. I scuba and don't swim. I would think anything that strengthens thighs would be excellent for scuba.
Yoga........breathing, strength and flexibility......
There was a diver here a few years ago who is a fitness trainer. He was really big into kettlebells and wrote a book called Kettlebells for the Fit Diver.
I started on it, and it will get you fit! Good exercises, good routines. He keeps it fun.
Anything you enjoy that will keep your heart rate high and give you some anaerobic exercise will help with your resting heart rate and your standard breathing rate (whatever that is called) will be good for scuba.

Anything that stretches your muscles regularly (especially your large muscle groups) will be good for scuba.

Anything that makes you feel stronger, fitter, better, will be good for scuba.

Basically, do exercises that you enjoy and you WILL see some benefit in scuba as long as that exercise isn't 12 oz curls on the couch.
I don't enjoy any exercises (but I do some).
Alert Diver (DAN) has some online. So now you've made me exercise. thanks

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