The Article (sometimes they go away pretty quickly and I thought this might be of value):Warren_L:Here is the story in the today's Globe:
On a personal note, this has hit close to home as I have dove with Rob recently (not on this trip) and the instructor involved in the rescue is a colleague and friend.
Toronto scuba diver dies in St. Lawrence River
Tuesday, October 12, 2004 - Page A15
Ottawa -- Despite a scuba instructor's rescue attempt, a 51-year-old Toronto man died yesterday while scouring a 19th-century shipwreck in the St. Lawrence River.
Robert Connell was exploring the wreck of the Lillie Parsons, a 39-metre-long schooner near Brockville, when he died. An autopsy has yet to be performed to determine the cause of death, but Alec Peirce, the owner of the company Mr. Connell was diving with, said police told his instructors the man likely had a heart attack.
Ron Irvine, a certified instructor, "rocketed" to the surface with Mr. Connell in his arms when the instructor noticed he was sinking, said Mr. Peirce, the owner of Scuba 2000. The man was dead even as they surfaced, he said.