This seems like a serious lack of training to me.
There's no way in the world to determine that. I know plenty of divers who have received top-flight training from some of the best in the business... bar none. Some of these people are willful idiots and choose to ignore some of the key tenets of what they were taught. There was nothing wrong with the instruction whatsoever.
As a DM I spent years doing scuba reviews for people who would say at one point or another "Gee... I was never taught that in my OW class." I'd simply smile... because I know they were taught whatever "that" was in their OW course. Mostly because I've seen their instructor teach an OW course twenty times and know that "that" was taught. But often I knew this because I DM'd their OW course... and was there when they were in fact taught "that" in their OW course.